I've read a few back to school books this year - some sent for review from publishers and some purchased for the library. Some old books and some new books. This is part two. If you missed the first one, click here.

Lola Goes to School:
It's Lola's first day at school and it goes really well. It's over before she knows it. Another great addition to the Lola books.

Harlem Grown:
Right across the street from a school, there's an empty lot filled with trash. It would make the perfect garden. That's exactly what happens in this story about learning about gardening and making the world a little brighter.

Max and Mo's Science Fair Surprise:
The classroom children are getting ready for the science fair. The two hamsters want to take part too. So they sneak out of their cage to discover a science project for themselves. A fun addition to this series.

Rescuing Mrs. Birdley:
Miranda sees her teacher in the grocery store, but she knows that all the teachers live at the school. Plus Miranda's an expert at watching nature programs. She decides to take matters into her own hands and return the teacher back where she belongs. A funny story about seeing teachers outside of school.

Butterflies on the First Day of School:
Rosie can't wait for school to start. But the night before she gets nervous - really nervous. Her mom tries to help her, saying her nerves are just butterflies. But when Rosie opens her mouth on the bus, a butter flies out! A great story about kindness, friendship, and being nervous.

Best Seat in Kindergarten:
It's Sam's first day of school! He's excited when the class goes outside on a nature walk. At the end of the walk, there will be a show and tell. Sam's too busy helping his classmates find what they're looking for to search for himself. But what he found was better. A sweet story about friendship and starting school off on the right foot.

Pirates Don't Go to Kindergarten:
Emma doesn't want to start Kindergarten, she wants to rule Pre-K still. Everything feels wrong in Kindergarten, plus change is scary. But she gets where she needs to be in the end - without walking the plank. This is a fun story about change, accepting new things, and lots of imagination.

Grown-ups (and the dog) decide they want to go to school instead of going to work. They want to have fun too; of course the kids are not thrilled at the idea. There's a compromise. This silly fun book is a great way to ease into going to school.
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