Saturday, June 29, 2024

TV Season Review: Bridgerton Season



Having read the books 10+ years ago, I don't remember most of the details, but I LOVED them. 

I do think the show captures those feelings!

Things I Loved:
The moments between Penelope and her mother
The final ball  
Release the Bugs!
Eloise and Pen making up
Dowager Bridgerton and Lady Danbury
Francesca and John
Penelope and Madame Delacroix 
Benedict and Eloise moments - especially on the swings
the fight over the macarons 

Things I Wished:
That Colin wasn't so annoying over Lady Whistledown discovery and that he asked Penelope to give it up
More Polin scenes (less angry scenes)
I wished we saw more of Colin falling in Love
More scenes between Penelope and the Bridgertons
The mentioned why Daphne wasn't at either wedding
Kate and Antony's trip to India seemed strange

I didn't mind how Lady Whistledown ended - because I feel that Penelope will still be writing.  And that will be shown in the next series.

Overall, I really enjoyed the show. I hated that they split up the season. It's annoying.
I'm also not crazy about waiting 2 years for the next season. It's only 8 episodes. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

On Your Radar (56): If Anything Happens to Me

Title: If Anything Happens to Me
Author: Luanne Rice
Publisher: Scholastic
Date Published: September 17

Why It Should be On Your Radar:
Bird Watching
Quick Timeline: most of the book takes place within 48 hours
Takes place in Connecticut
Greek Mythology

Verdict: This book is really creepy! But I didn't want to put it down.

** ARC sent for review

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Author Interview: Jessica Burkhart


I'm so excited to be talking with Jessica Burkhart today. 

I loved her Canterwood Crest series and I was so happy to learn about the Saddlehill Academy books.

Currently there are four books out in the series AND I will tell you that there are mentions of Canterwood Crest characters! 

Read my reviews of all four books here

How many books could there be in the series?

Right now, I’m contracted for four books, but if readers pick it up and it sells well, there could be more. I’m hopeful there will be, but I don’t have any answers yet about the series continuing. It’s sad not to know already because with Canterwood, there were 20 books, and that’s what I’d hoped for Saddlehill Academy. But I’m afraid pushback from some bigots about the main character being queer in a sport that’s historically been incredibly straight and white has impacted the sales. Plus, It’s a really rough climate to be writing LGBTQ+ middle-grade novels. 

Still, I hope there will be additional novels, and I’ll write as many more as my publisher wants! 

I hope there are many more because I NEED to know what happens next! 

How much fun was it to go back to the Canterwood Crest characters?

So. Much. Fun. It’s a lovely blast from the past to see these characters that I’ve lived with in my head for so long. They’re all adults (!) now, which is wild. Returning to Canterwood Crest and some of my favorite characters has been a dream, and I hope OG Canterwood readers are having fun with their cameos in Saddlehill!

I am loving hearing about favorite characters. 

Is it hard or fun to write a mean girl scene? And why?

It’s…shockingly easy for me. I don’t know what that says about me as a person, haha. But I love writing mean girls and coming up with the sabotage and their arguments is such a fun part of the job. 

Are you the type of person who holds a grudge? 

Not usually, no. If a person wrongs me and apologizes, I’ll typically give them another chance. Most of my mean girls in Canterwood and Saddlehill sure do hold grudges, though! 

How do you come up with all the wonderful ideas for the drama?


I try to ask myself “what’s the worst that could happen?” within the framework of a scene and go from there. I pull ideas from media I’ve consumed and then put my own spin on them to fit the scene. 

The drama is so good. I never want to put these books down. 

Thank you so much for interviewing me, Jen! And happy Pride Month to all! 

Happy Pride everyone! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Picture Book Wednesday: Finding Things

A ball is found, which leads to a series of events.

This is a sweet story about finding the perfect items that all work together. This is a fun way to learn about sequence. This would be a fun storytime read. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Top Ten Tuesdays: Second Half of the Year

 This week's topic is books you're most excited to read that are coming out in the second half of the year. 


That last sentence of the previous book makes me need this book now.

I'm such a fan of Gilmore Girls - I can't wait to read all the tea. 

I LOVE the City Spies series and can't wait for this one!

Three friends in Paris and a Dior gown

This series is super good, I can't wait for more. 

I can't wait for the third romance book in this friends group

I love books set in Italy and this book sounds very intriguing! 

Tagline is perfect for Gilmore Girls  - and I'm sold! 

* The holidays romances will be a separate post

Any of these on your list too?
Have a suggestion for me to add to my list?

Monday, June 24, 2024

Middle Grade Review: Perfect Revenge

* Book 4 in the Saddlehill Academy series * 
Abby was shocked to learn that Ava and Olivia are attending Saddlehill Academy. They seem excited to befriend her and happy to join the team. But things might not be all that they seem.

Abby's too busy worrying about her grades to deal with more team drama. If her grades don't improve in the next few weeks, her father will pull her from the riding team. Abby will be devastated if that happens, especially as she's waiting for word on the clinic from Sasha Silvers and Heather Fox.
My Thoughts: I love this series for the horses, the drama, the friendships, and the romance. Abby and Mila spend more time together in this book and couldn't be cuter. Even though I don't like the reasons, I love how the team starts coming together. I loved seeing Abby and Emery at their house and more family time due to Thanksgiving. I really love learning about the characters from the Canterwood Crest series. The drama in this book ends on a wicked Canterwood cliff-hanger. I need more books in this series! 

Cover Thoughts: Perfect. I love these covers
Source: Book sent for review
Library Recommendation: A must have series for your school and public libraries

I'm chatting with the author later this week, be sure to check back in! 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

TBR Check-in: Spring


Earlier this week, I shared my Summer TBR list, so it's time to check in what I've read from my list previously:

Given that my library is on a budget freeze, I haven't been reading as many new books lately.
But I have read 8 of these and I'm still looking forward to reading the rest. 

I added a few more on hold at the library. 

How did you do on your Spring reading goals?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Picture Book Review: A Mind of Her Own


Agatha Christie, the world-famous mystery writer, didn't always like writing. But she always liked mysteries and she always made-up stories. She struggled getting those ideas on paper. Years later, she tries her hand at writing a mystery novel. It's not easy but she persists. 

This picture book biography is great for older elementary school readers - but I wonder if any of them have ever heard of Agatha Christie. I really enjoyed this book. I didn't know much about this author here. The illustrations are lovely. This would be a good picture book to share about creating mystery stories. 

* books sent for review

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cozy Review: Chain of Pearls


* First book in a new series * 

The last thing she wants is to dig up the past…

When the body of a celebrated journalist is fished from the Edgartown Harbor, the official report rules his death accidental. But why was he alone on a senator’s yacht during a nor’easter? That’s only the first question London-based lawyer Kyra Gibson has when she arrives on the idyllic island of Martha’s Vineyard to settle her estranged father’s affairs.

She’s not looking for closure. She’s not seen him in decades since he left her with her aunt following her mother’s death. But as Kyra delves deeper into her father’s life, she learns he had many regrets and wasn’t as retired as she believed. The more Kyra discovers, the more questions she has. With the help of world-weary detective, Tarek Collins, they uncover a web of intrigue and corruption involving a powerful senator, a dubious energy company, and brutal murder.

As they chase down clues, Kyra and Tarek flirt with danger and race against time to solve the murders and uncover the dark secrets lurking beneath Martha’s Vineyard’s picturesque façade of old money wealth and privilege. - Summary from the publisher

My Thoughts: I really enjoyed this start of a new series. I've visited Martha's Vineyard before, I've heard of a few places. I really liked Kyra's neighbors - Grace and Charlie. I enjoyed Krya and how she started finding a home on the island. I enjoyed the dynamics of the islanders and the outsiders. I felt bad that Kyra and her father never got the chance to reconnect. I'm looking forward to the next book from this debut author. 

Cover Thoughts: This is a cozy story, but it has the cover of a thriller

Source: Book sent for a blog tour

Library Recommendation: A great book for your public library

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Picture Book Review: Summer Books

Just a few books perfect for the first day of summer:

Unicorn has always wanted to be a mermaid and Kitty-corn has just the way to make it happen. 

This is a sweet story about dreams and friendship and just being yourself. 

This author and illustrator duo is a must have for library collections. 

It's Mermaid Day! All the mermaids come together to celebrate the ocean. 

The pictures are bright and fun to pour over. There's a lot to look at in this book. There are games, dancing, and food. This is such a fun book and perfect for summer. 

* Book sent for review
Library Recommendation: A must have book for your library mermaid collection. 

Parrotfish has a secret power and he's dying to share it with his friend, the hammerhead shark.

This is a funny book, but it's also chock full of information. Readers will be eager to also learn the secret. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Summer TBR

 This week's topic is all about the summer TBR - which for me is books coming out July and August. Summer is stressful for me because of my job, so it could be time for lots of reading or not much reading depending. 

Middle Grade:


Young Adult:


Graphic Novels:

Any of these on your list too?