This week's topic is our Goals/Resolutions For 2015 -- bookish or blogging. I fear many of these will be similar to last year as I didn't do the best job at keeping with my goals, but they are ones I mean to accomplish...
- meme from The Broke and the Bookish

Read more Diverse books
Read for the Cybils this year! (I'm a round 2 in judge for YA Speculative Fiction)
Read more Nonfictional books (I did pretty good that this this year)
Read more ARCs when they first arrive
Read more Debut authors
Write more Personal posts
Write more Librarian posts
Connect more with publishers
Bookish Conferences:
Attend BEA 15
Attend Romance Writers of American (It's in New York this year, so I must attend)
I'm hoping I can attend BEA15 too! But I'm in an MLIS program right now, so grad school comes first. I'm sure you recognize the dilemma. Good luck!!
Great list! I'm right there with you on reading more Arcs when they first arrive, easier said then done. Right? Good luck!
I definitely need to get control of my ARCs and read them when I get them (or close to it). Otherwise they tend to get lost in the shuffle. Hmm, I should have added "connect more with publishers" to my list. Good luck! Happy reading in the New Year!
Michelle @ Michelle's Minions
I would love to attend BEA 15, but I doubt it will happen because I live very far away and don't really have the money to go. But someday I will go, someday!
Good luck on you 2015 goals :D
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