However, she does ask their advice when it comes to boys. Before Artemis met Orion, she never admired a boy. Now she wants to gain his attention. Orion's used to having a fan club. He's asking Artemis for all kinds of help. Artemis is afraid he sees her only as one of the guys. What can she do to show him she likes him than just a friend?
My Thoughts: I really love this series. I love how the authors mix mythology with issues facing tweens. I love the friendship between the four girls and how each girl is unique. I like how the godboys are drawn out as well, I really had strong feelings against Orion. Mythology really comes to life in these books.
Cover Thoughts: Cute and fun
Source: Inter-Library Loan
Up Next:
Book Five: Athena the Wise: out in April
Book Six: Aphrodite the Diva: out in September
what is the sises called?
I love these books! They are so cute, yet as you said they really do talk about lots of pertinent issues. :)
I really like these books-lots of fun! I'm glad there are more coming in the series!
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