Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Settings

 This week's topic is all about settings. There are so many settings that I love, but I thought I'd talk about one of my favorites: Paris. I've been there once. There were so many things I saw and several that I didn't get the chance to see. Still, Paris as a setting pulls me towards a book.  Some recently read and enjoyed and some I'm waiting to read. 

Recently Read:

Want to Read:


Is there a city that pulls your interest?


Lydia said...

Paris is a lovely pick!

My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-favourite-book-settings/

Lori said...

New York, always.

I did LOVE The Paris Wife, though—the story of Hemingway’s Paris marriage to his first wife, Hadley Richardson. Paris really came alive for me in that one.


Pam said...

Paris seems to be a popular setting for novels. Much like London. I would love to see more of France and the UK represented in books; both countries have many wonderful locations that could be written about.

Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

Lectrice Vorace said...

All of these seem like lovely reads.