Gilly's graduated Fairy Tale Reform School, but nothing feels the same now that she's home. She hates cobbler school. She misses her friends. Something must change.My Thoughts: I really liked this book - I liked how Gilly felt responsible for Anna and attempted to help her. I was happy seeing all my old favorite characters. The news ones, especially the magical animal pets, added some humor to the story. I enjoyed the Stiltskin Squad and their trickster habits. I loved the quest and how that worked out. I enjoyed meeting Little Red Riding Hood. The ending was lovely, luckily I had the next book in the series to read immediately afterwards.
When she hears that Rumplestiltskin has taken over the school and made it worse, she's concerned. When Anna, her younger sister, gets taken to the school, Gilly wants to help her. But Anna seems content with her two new friends Hansel and Gretel.
Gilly decides she must act and save her sister. She gets herself thrown back into FTRS along with a few good friends. But this time, things are very different. Can she save the school once again?
Cover Thoughts: Perfect
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A great series for school and public libraries, especially where mixed up fairy tales are popular. This series is an easy hand sell.
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