Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: 1st reviewed Books

This week's topic is all about the first books reviewed on your blog, I've been blogging for 10 years now (I blogged about book prior to that on Myspace.) And I have to say my first reviews are terrible - so no links. 

But here are books I reviewed in October of 2008

French KissmasLet It Snow: Three Holiday RomancesThe Twelve Dates of Christmas (Simon Romantic Comedies)

Paper Towns


Susan said...

Looks like you reviewed some fun reads back in the day! I'm not much of a romance reader, so I haven't read any of these. I'm glad you enjoyed them, though.

Happy TTT!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had some John Green going on! I shared my early reviews, because that's pretty much still how I review things.

ichlese said...

You've been blogging for a long time!!!!!! I love this week's prompt. It's such a fun walk down memory lane!

Here is my TTT: https://ichleseblog.wordpress.com/2019/04/23/top-ten-tuesday-first-ten-books-ive-reviewed/.

Lydia said...

Have you ever gone back and reread any of them?


Krystianna said...

Sadly, I wasn't the biggest fan of Paper Towns. Great list!
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

Poinsettia said...

I've been reviewing for ten years as well! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

Jessica at Booked J said...

Oh my gosh, I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE WHO USED TO BOOK BLOG ON MYSPACE TOO??? This is fantastic. Also, these books really take me back. Thanks for sharing!