This week's topic is Ten Authors I REALLY Want To Meet - thanks for library conferences, BEA, and RJ Julia's I've meet a ton of fantastic authors. It's a mix of YA and Adult authors, Left to meet are...
- meme from The Broke and the Bookish

JK Rowling
George R.R. Martin
Jennifer E. Smith
Sherryl Woods
Jill Shalvis
Jenn McKinlay
Sophie Kinsella
Julie Hyzy
Shannon Messenger
Lisa Schroeder
* I had to look at my most read books from Goodreads to make this list.
Good list! I'm with you on JK Rowling and George R R Martin :)
Claire @ Book Blog Bird
JK Rowling seems to be everywhere today, she was on my list too!
I absolutely love that you chose Rowling because she's such an amazing writer and she seems like a pretty great person.
Top Ten Tuesday
Jill Shalvis is such a great one! I do like her books.
My TTT @ The Midnight Garden.
I don't know how I could have left Rowling off of my list. I'd like to meet Sophie Kinsella, too. Great list, I hope you get to meet them all someday!
Michelle @ Michelle's Minions
Oh Sophie Kinsella.... that's a good one!! I would love to tell her how much she's made me LOL reading her awesome books :)
JKR totally made the top of my list too this week ♥ She's quite a popular pick and with good reason! I still need to read GRRM (can you imagine) but he's on my tbr shelf. Great picks^^
Yay J.K.Rowling sees to be on loads of people's list as well as mine :) Great List.
It would be awesome to meet Jennifer E. Smith and Shannon Messenger! And Jenn McKinlay is one of my Mom's favorite authors!
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