Friday, July 31, 2009

Alibi Junior High (from

Thirteen-year-old Cody doesn’t know much about normal life. He’s been living and traveling all over the world with his father, who works for the CIA. Together, they’ve formed a research team responsible for tracking the
bad guys. But, someone’s caught on. An explosion outside a café in France, where they barely escape with their lives, leaves the team shaken. Cody’s father puts him on a plane and tells him to become invisible until he reaches his destination. Cody’s headed somewhere safe from danger: his aunt’s house. He’s infiltrating junior high, where he must assume his most challenging role ever – himself. Cody’s used to being home-schooled by his father, wearing suits every day, and defending himself against anyone who looks at him funny. Now he’s dealing with school rules, clothes that are cool but don’t feel right, and bullies plaguing him and his friend. Cody has a feeling that somewhere, someone is watching him. At night he takes sweeps of the house, only to find that his new friend’s brother, who just came home from the war, does the same thing. Together, they keep tabs on the area. Is Cody paranoid? Has he finally found a place to call home or will someone make the family connection and come
after him?

Greg Logsted writes a quirky but lovable character who just wants to be himself. I liked the witty smart aleck personality of Cody. This book takes a spy and places him in the normal world – without a mission, making this a unique tale. As a sucker for spy novels, I hope this isn’t the last I read about Cody Saron.

Librarian tip: This would make a fun book club read. I'm already trying to figure out how I can use it this year.

Plus the cover rocks. Check out the cover story @ Melissa Walker's blog.

For more info about Greg, check out his interview with Kay Cassidy

Carpus Corpus (from

Claire and her friends are divided over the recent events in Morganville. Shane’s locked up with his father. Michael’s working for the evil Bishop along with Claire - while Eve is furious with both of them. Claire needs to believe the Myrnin has a plan, but she’s not sure she can actually trust him. Bishop is running the town and pushing it close to ruin. He doesn’t care about any of the citizens. Claire realizes that Amelie hasn’t gone into the shadows and disappeared. Instead, she’s been working to move the townspeople out of danger and away from Morganville. With the whole town gearing up for a fight, who will be left standing and what alliances will be broken/formed?

THE MORGANVILLE VAMPIRES series is a fast-paced, addicting read that draws readers in and never lets them go, and CARPE CORPUS is a great addition to the line.

Sarah Dessen Winners

Thanks for sharing all the questions you would ask an author.

The winners are:

Congrats! send me an email with your addresses so I can get the prizes sent your way!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Introducing HarlequinTeen: a Guest Blog

What kind of book becomes a Harlequin TEEN?
by Natashya Wilson, senior editor, Harlequin TEEN

As soon as Harlequin announced the creation of Harlequin TEEN , a new young adult fiction imprint, people wanted to know—what kind of books were we going to publish? The short answer: compelling teen fiction covering a variety of genres. The long answer….well, here is how the launch year of titles came to be!

First, I have to say, the speculation over what we’ll publish has been both exciting and, sometimes, amusing. Judging by a few recent blog posts, when people heard “Harlequin”, and “young adult,” some automatically thought of that outdated term ‘bodice-ripper” and pictured torrid stories of hormone-driven teens panting over first kisses and… more. Yes, most of our stories do include a love interest—whose real-life story doesn’t?! —but romance is just one part of what we’re about. Here’s the scoop on what to expect from Harlequin TEEN’s first year.

The first manuscript the company bought that would eventually become part of Harlequin TEEN was Maria V. Snyder’s story Inside Out. When Maria came to her editor with the project, we didn’t have the perfect place for it, but we knew we couldn’t let it go and bought the book anyway. Perhaps that was the spark the reignited the company’s desire to create a general young adult fiction imprint! This unique futuristic story features Trella, a quiet loner who accidentally becomes the leader of a rebellion while exploring forbidden levels and uncovering secrets of life “Inside.”

Due to Maria’s adult publishing schedule, Inside Out was slated for April 2010—and the hunt was on for more books. To start, we focused on authors who were writing stories with a paranormal/urban fantasy appeal. Harlequin looked at its current author base to see if there were more potential TEEN authors, and bestselling authors Rachel Vincent and Gena Showalter had what it took.

Rachel’s SHIFTERS series had really taken off, and Gena had a huge paranormal romance readership plus had already written several YAs for other publishers. Both authors came to their editors with projects we adored, and My Soul to Take, featuring a teen banshee, and Intertwined, featuring a teen with four souls living inside him, soon became the August and September 2009 launch projects for the imprint. Sequels to both will be out in 2010.

We were also fortunate to have two titles previously published under our Luna imprint that made perfect sense to reprint for Harlequin TEEN, both by bestselling House of Night author P. C. Cast. Elphame’s Choice (October 2009) and Brighid’s Quest (March 2010) take place in the fantasy world of Partholon and feature goddess-blessed heroines who must leave everything familiar and risk their very lives as they meet forbidden soul mates and face their destinies.

Word got out, and more projects began to trickle in, among them a memorable modern faery story from debut author Julie Kagawa. The Iron King (February 2010), the first novel of the Iron Fey, stars reluctant half-faery Meghan Chase and her perilous trip into the faery world, where she must rescue her little brother and resist falling for an icy faery prince who might as soon kill her as kiss her.

The hunt expanded to include a variety of story types. We found a fabulous fun contemporary story, Tagged (March 2010), by another exciting debut author, Mara Purnhagen. Tagged features a mystery graffiti artist and the girl determined to find the artist without being labeled a snitch or revealing her secret crush. It doesn’t help that she’s the police chief’s daughter…or that the artist may be someone she’s close to!

An unusual and thrilling opportunity also came our way around this time. We connected with the right people at ABC Family and acquired the rights to publish books based on their TV series GREEK! We’ll be publishing four stories based on the GREEK characters, beginning in May 2010 with GREEK: Double Date by Marsha Warner.
We were also excited to acquire books from popular YA authors Allison van Diepen and Douglas Rees. Allison’s contemporary story The Oracle of Dating (May 2010) features teen relationship buff Kayla and her Web site, through which she anonymously offers advice on the ups and downs of dating—getting herself into a bit of trouble and a turbulent romance of her own!

Douglas Rees’s Majix: Notes from a Serious Teen Witch (July 2010) stars smart-mouthed Kestrel—don’t call her Susan!—a teen witch determined not to give in to the pressure to be like everyone else, even when faced with unfair detentions and nasty, unenlightened classmates. Don’t worry…Kestrel shows them all!

July 2010 also brings the re-release of a favorite novel originally published in Red Dress Ink, Carrie Pilby by Caren Lissner. Carrie’s a teen genius—and hermit—on a mission to change her social misfit status, but does she have to dumb things down just to fit in?

We can’t wait to hear what readers think of each release. Let us know—which book are you looking forward to most? What do you want to see from Harlequin TEEN?

Comment here for a chance to win a copy of either My Soul to Take or Intertwined, or a Harlequin TEEN T-shirt. Contest will end on Monday @ midnight (eastern time).

Be sure to visit us at, and on Twitter ( for the latest info. We hope to see you at our next blog tour stop, The Story Siren on August 5!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blue Moon

Ever's secure in boyfriend's love until a strange comes to town and changes all the Rules. Ever knows there's something different about Roman, but she can't put her finger on it. He's too charming, too smooth, and too unnatural. He has everyone fooled plus Haley's crushing over him big time. In no time at all, it seems like the entire school's under his spell. Everyone's friends with everyone regardless of social hierarchy - everyone except Ever that is. She's the social outcast that no one wants to talk to - including Damien. It's like he's becomes another person - a human boy. He's eating food, thinking about girls, and dating Ever's nemesis. Ever knows it's up to her to change things back to the way they were before...but how far back will she have to go? Will she have to give up the love her life to save him?

I devoured this book and am desperate to find out what happens next. It's a tale of trust, forgiveness, honesty, and love. Can love conquer everything? Can evil manipulate love? Questions are risen that will be answered in the forthcoming novels. This series is Alyson Noel at her best.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

WIN IT! Along for the Ride

Have you read the latest Sarah Dessen book?

If you haven't, what are you waiting for?
Or if you have, but want to win a copy
then this message is also for you

YaBookNerd (with help from the great folks @ Penguin)
is holding our first contest

Sarah has a newish online community @ -
Be sure to check it out!
You can find me there
add me as a friend :)

2 Winners will win an ARC of the book
To Win: Leave a comment telling me what question you like to ask authors when you meet them.
I love asking "What's the last book you read that you think everyone should read next?"

(sorry contest open to US residents only)

The contest will end on Thursday night at midnight (eastern time)
Good Luck!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nadya works in the kitchen for a tavern in the cold of Russia She doesn't remember anything from her past, but one day two men enter the tavern for lunch. They take one look at her and think she's perfect for their scam. They plan to take a girl and turn her into the Grand Duchess Anastasia, who's rumor to still be alive after the Russian Revolution. Her grandmother would give anything to have her back - and the men are out for the reward. Together they approach her and make her an offer - not telling her about the reward. Instead they confide that they're private detectives and she might belong to a family. Nadya longs to belong somewhere and with little hesitation, follows them. They make the journey to Germany, where they run across an old friend from the Russian aristocracy. He has no doubt of Nadya's true identity once he sees her dressed in the part. In fact, he's so convinced that he holds a ball in her honor announcing her to his other Russian friends. When the empress hears of this night, she sends a car for Anastasia from Paris. Now, Nadya must learn the truth about her family, if she really is royalty. She's scared to learn the truth and even more angry when she discovers her friends have lied to her. Will she ever find a family and a place to call home?

Anastasia stories intrigue me. The secret of the diamonds is both fascinating and an ingenious idea. I love the heart warming scenes between the empress and Nadya. The cover is gorgeous and it's a perfect tale for those wanting a romantic historical novel.

New Diary of Wimpy Kid

Want some behind the scenes pictures? Check this out!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Books I'm looking forward to reading: (late 09/early 2010)

First the title - I love Cinderella tales, plus the cover is too cute

Companion to I Heart You, You Haunt Me

End of the Life as We Knew it TrilogyEnd of the Wake/Fade trilogy

Just heard of this one, but the cover looks cool
plus I always like a good mystery

New cover style for this author, but I like it

SO excited for the next Alex Rider tale
One of my favorite series

The title alone caught my eye
but it's also about a bunch of girls spying on their possibly cheating boyfriends

Loved Earth My Butt....

Again, the title alone....
plus I'm a JA freak

Other books I'm waiting (dying) to read that I couldn't find covers for:

Heist Society (Ally Carter)
The Reason: Ghost Huntress - 2nd book gave me goosebumps at the end
(review coming soonish)
These Boots are Made for Stalking (Clique series)
Up Over Down Under (S.A.S.S. series - always cute)
Spirit Bound (Vampire Academy #5)
Gimmie A Call (Sarah Mlynowski)
Necromancer (Michael Scott)

There's probably a bunch of books that I missed or haven't realized their coming out, but this is a small sampling of the fab books coming soon.

What are you looking forward to reading?

Vampire Academy author speaks out

Waiting Waiting Waiting for Blood Promise....
but here's the author chatting about the book series in general

Monday, July 20, 2009

Boys R Us

Massie and the Pretty Committee are on the outs: Alicia wanted to take over the cheerleaders, Dylan and Kirsten stole her crushes, and Claire just wants to be Switzerland - as in never choosing sides. Alicia forms her own group, with her as the alpha and makes it all about her girls and their crushes. They call themselves Soul M8s. With the boys moving back to their old but wickedly improved school, the girls can't help but be miserable without them. Luckily Alicia has a few events planned. Can her events top Massie's previous events? And will Massie take this new group lying down, or does the premiere alpha have something huge up her sleeve that will guarantee her statues once and for all?

This is the 11th in the deliciously addicting Clique series. I love the covers the titles of these books - although I don't really understand the title of this book in relation to the story - except that the girls are all about the boys. Maybe I just answered my own question... I quite enjoy the fighting in this book - it shows another layer to the girls. Looking forward to the next and of course the spin-off series

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More Bridget?

LOVED the first movie - second was all right...but I read that there is another one in the works! I'm starting to get excited all ready! I can only hope that Colin Firth and Hugh Grant sign on again as I can't imagine the movie without them!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Harry Potter Day

It's FINALLY HERE! After the long wait, plus the push back from Warner Brothers, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince as arrived!!!

Check out the 10 ten teen movie parallels
The movie website with downloads

Pictures of the big three:

In preparation for the event, some people re-read the book. Instead I had a Potter movie marathon and here's what I discovered.

Lame lines:
"I know what that is, that's an invisibility cloak" Ron from Sorcerer's Stone
"Make a wish Harry." Harry from Sorcerer's Stone
"I think the troll's left the dungeon" Ron from Sorcerer's Stone
"And then, we play" Ron from Sorcerer's Stone
"You wish" Harry from Chamber of Secrets
"Who wants me to open it?" Harry from Goblet of Fire
"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Hermione from Goblet of Fire

Awesome Lines:
"I read about it in Hogwarts: a History." Hermione from Sorcerer's Stone
"Troll in the dungeon. Troll in the dungeon. Thought you ought to know." Professor Quirrell from Sorcerer's Stone
"I shouldn't have said that. I should NOT have said that." Hagrid from Sorcerer's Stone
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." Dumbledore from Sorcerer's Stone
"Honestly, don't you two read?" Hermione from Sorcerer's Stone
"Pull yourself together man. You're going into the forest after all. You've got to keep your wits about you." Mr. Filch from Sorcerer's Stone
"You're a little scary sometimes, brilliant - but scary" Ron from Sorcerer's Stone
"Hello, who are you?"
"uh, Ron Weasley"
"Really? and uh...who am I?...
This is an odd sort of place, do you live here?" Lockheart and Ron from Chamber of Secrets
"Oh My God! I've Killed Harry Potter." Neville from Goblet of Fire
"You think a bit of snogging would cheer her up." Ron from Order of the Phoenix
"The more you care, the more you have to lose." Harry from Order of the Phoenix

Good Points:
1. Dumbledore vs Dumbledore
2. Fred and George
3. The Evils of Snape and Umbridge
4. Mr. Filch
5. Luna Lovegood
6. Marauder's Map

Things I wished appeared in the movies from the books:
1. Peeves
2. Fred and George - more mischief
3. Fights: fights between both the big three themselves and also between them and the students (We saw a little of this in Goblet of Fire and The Order of the Phoenix)

I hope you all enjoy the movie. Let me know what you think!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Don't Judge a Girl By her Cover

Cammie meets up with her roommate and best buddy Macey in Boston to help Macey weather the storm of her father's political ambitions. Macey doesn't show the world her true self, but she's on par with your average rich girl. She'd never give up any details of the Gallagher secrets (read SPY school for girls). In Boston, the unthinkable happens. Cammie and Macey are attacked and barely make it off the roof together and in one piece. Now that school's back in session, Cammie's shaken but she's more worried about Macey than herself. Macey must spend time with her family on the political trail and Cammie's not too far behind her - even if it means breaking the rules. Cammie's aunt is on Macey's detail team, but Cammie can't help thinking there's something in the back of her head that she can't put her finger on - something that will answer all her questions about the attempted kidnapping. She just hopes she can remember if before it's too late.

The third book in the Gallagher Girl series left me dangling with my mouth left open in shock and me needing the next book in the series pronto! The danger and tension in the first few pages of the book carries throughout the rest of the tale. There's also the hilarious bit about the girls who can handle almost anything trying to decode guy behavior. All in all, it's a fabulous read.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

the Awakening

(Sequel to The Summoning which includes *Spoilers* for that book)

Chloe's still devastated by her aunt's involvement with the Edison Group. She's now stuck in a new house where things are supposed to improve. She's supposed be learning how to control her power, but she's not willing to give up too much information. She doesn't tell anyone that she can talk to Liz's ghost. Meanwhile Derek and Simon are still at large and the group desperately wants to capture them. They try pumping Chloe for information, but she's not budging. Finally after many threats, she weakens and says she might be able to remember something if she can look for it. But underneath she just wants to escape. Between a truce with Tori - who offers her help, the two of them elude the guards the group sent with them to the factory. With Liz's help, they remain out of sight until they meet up with the boys. Together they come up with a plan escape to find someone the brothers know and trust. Unfortunately, they have little money and can't risk Chloe's face being recognized. With difficult circumstances, they split up. Each group will meet at the house, where hopefully, they'll find the answers they've been looking for.

The cover of the first one drew my eye, but the story sucked me in. Now questions of the supernatural powers keep rising. Derek almost changes into a werewolf and Chloe keeps raising the dead - sometimes in her sleep. They have so many questions they need answered before they can learn to live in peace and they might not be able to live normal lives in society. But they're ready to try. The love triangle between the characters creates great tension. I know who I want Chloe to end up with. With book 3 not scheduled to come out until May 2010, it's going to be a long wait....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Biographies for Teens

Do they actually exist?

I always have trouble buying biographies for teens - partly because they very quickly become outdated for current celebrities, partly because patrons need to have a certain number of pages for school assignments (but not too many pages), and partly because I don’t want to duplicate books in the children’s/adult departments.

This leaves me either buying popular, but soon to be outdated material or purchase biographies of dead people. While I’m not opposed to either, I primarily want the books to be interesting to teens. I have a small selection of biographies and I’m always on the lookout for more.

After watching Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, I wanted to learn more about Amelia Earhart.

I loved this book- which is an example of a cross over children/YA title. It's a photobiography of DK, which slightly copies the Eyewitness style on a grader scale. Tons of pictures fill the book along with Earhart's life: including her struggles, her difficult life with her parents, and her passion for flying. The book ends with an in depth look at her last flight and possible scenarios for her tragic end.

Amelia Earhart was a social worker, a nurse, a fashion designer, and a feminist.

Her life story amazed me.

I'm happy there is a series of these photobiographies. I plan on reading several of them. Next up for me: Princess Diana.

Others I've enjoyed:

Our Eleanor

John Lennon


There are other biographies that catch my eye, but I never seem to pick them up. I do try to have a handful of current athletes, pop stars, and rock stars, but it's unclear if teens actually like them.

I’m also not looking strictly at singular biographies. I’ve read some excellent group biographies including:

Almost Astronauts

Yankee Doodle Gals

Let Me Play: Story of Title IX

Harlem Hellfighters

But for me the question remains: Are there biographies published with teens in mind that they will enjoy? If there are, please let me know because I want to make every purchase count this year.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Glass Maker's Daughter

Risa's been waiting for this day here whole life - the day when she finds out which god will choose her for their school. A huge celebration is planned for Risa and her brother, but when the gods determine that Risa isn't a chosen one, her day is ruined and quite possibly her life. Never before has there been someone from the seven and thirty families not chosen for the schools.
She spends her time hiding away in her family's glass shop where she makes her own unique items. There's unrest going on in the capital with the royal family. The King is dying and his son is trying to take over the throne but tradition states that the families of the seven and thirty must unanimously give their consent to the next ruler.
When her parents are escorted to the castle and never return, she suspects something's amiss. When a note arrives from her mother using a secret code, she learns that her parents are being held hostage by the Prince. Without her family, the magic performed each night in thanks for the day can not be performed. Without the magic, the houses will fall one by one. Can Risa perform the magic and save her house or will the kidnapping of her parents mean the end for her family?

Vance Briceland writes a stunning novel of art (the creation of glass objects), magic and the ancient traditional foundations of Risa's town, and the feel of Venice in the Renaissance Era. His descriptions will transport you into a new world. Risa comes alive through friendships, blossoming romance, and her determination.

Lost Symbol

Here's the new Dan Brown cover. I really like it... Thoughts?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Splendor Cover

Isn't it gorgeous!
I can't wait to this book to find out how the series ends

So Not Happening

Bella's getting the shock of the life when her mother agrees to remarry. She's marrying Jake - a mid-western man with two boys of his own. Therefore forcing Bella to move from her socialite life in New York City to a small town farm. She loses her boyfriend, her awesome friends, fabulous stores, and her father in one fell swoop. Soon she's also losing her credit cards. While life is horrible - its about to get so much worse. Usually a super popular girl - Bella has written about the people of new home town on her blog from her old school. People are buzzing about her harsh worlds and massive unhappiness. She's soon the town pariah. She'll do almost anything to bulk up her popularity skills - even dig through the school dumpsters looking for a story. While digging through trash, she overhears something that triggers her curiosity. Is there some kind of initiation going on with the football team - causing accidents and deaths in this small town. Bella vows to investigate and figure it out. Is she taking her redemption too far?

The first of a new series takes a socialite and plunks her down in a small town making her miserable - but ultimately allowing her to discover more about herself in the long run. What ever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Bella is funny, a bit shallow, but she has a kind heart. Plus she's very determined. A fun start to a brand new series.

The second book will be out November 3rd

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Beyond the Grave

Amy and Dan have once again been double crossed by family members,but now they're on their way to Egypt in search of the next clue. They're looking for a statue that may or may not have already been discovered. When running from Irina, they run into someone who knows about them. They quickly realize that he's the grandson of their grandmother's best friend. The siblings have been questioning the reasoning behind the search. They've escaped death numerous times, double crossings, and back stabbings - surely their grandmother didn't have this in mind when she wrote her will. At Hilary's home, Grace's best friend, gives the siblings presents Grace left in her care. With their confidence restored, the siblings are more determined than ever to see this mission through. Have they been duped once again to trusting the wrong people?

The quest continues and each day presents new multiple dangers. Amy and Dan must lean on each other and their smarts to keep themselves both alive and still in the game. The 4th book in the series doesn't let up with the fast paced action and the series just keeps on getting more and more addicting.
Kate has her summer all planned out - hanging out with her BFF and playing tennis. But she doesn't count on her mother dragging her across the country to visit her college friends and to get away from her husband. Kate knows that her parents have their marital issues - but why does she have to be pulled into their fight. At first she's seriously annoyed at her mother. They have to stay in the guest cottage - which is actually a garage. Kate has to share the one room with her mother who won't stop talking, which is a problem because Kate and her mother have never been close. Tina has a daughter the same age as Kate and the two moms force the girls to hang out. Kate feels more and more like an outsider with Sarah and her friends as Sarah's making it perfectly clear that she doesn't want to hang out with Kate. Slowly Kate begins chatting with her friends and finding her own groove. Celebrating the 4th of July, Kate has a romantic moment that changes her summer. Adam is everything a girl could want in a first boyfriend. Kate's finally happy being in Cape Cod , but in just a few days her world comes crashing down. Will it be a summer to remember or a summer to forget?

Melissa Kantor pens a sweet summer novel filled with romance, family drama, friendships, and finding yourself. The cover is cute and eye-catching. Check it out if you're looking for something fabulously fun.

On a side note, she's also the author of
which I just adored. While I was at a book signing last week for Sarah Dessen, I overheard some girls talking about this book. I didn't join in, but I wanted to.
It's a super fun cover, plus that title is to DIE FOR!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Prada and Prejudice

Callie is a class A klutz. She's convinced her mother to allow her to go to England as part of a class trip. Now that she's here, she's completely miserable. If leaving the hotel, they have to use the buddy system, and her buddy is definitely not interested in hanging out. When Callie overhears her buddy and her BFFs talking about sneaking out and going to a club, she vows to go too. But first she needs a new outfit. She uses her mom's emergency only credit card to purchase some new Prada shoes. On leaving the store, she trips and flat on her face - knocking herself unconscious. When she wakes up - nothing is the same. In fact, she has no idea where she might be but one things clear, she's not in London. She starts walking until she stumbles upon a house. She's mistaken for a long-lost friend and taken in. Callie soon discovers that she's in 19th century England. From klutz to incredibly awkward, Callie's life doesn't improve. There's so much that she doesn't know: social rules, fashion, and dancing. While she's pretending to be someone else, she's also trying to figure out how to get back to her own life. Callie must play by the rules of 19th century England even though she no idea what they are or if she'll ever get back to modern day London. All she has are those gorgeous Prada shoes...and a talent for getting into trouble.

Mandy Hubbard debuts her first YA novel. Check out the interview here previously on the blog. It's a funny, fresh time traveling tale with an awkward girl looking to find herself. The cover's amazingly cute, check out Melissa Walker's cover story.