Have you read the latest Sarah Dessen book?

If you haven't, what are you waiting for?
Or if you have, but want to win a copy
then this message is also for you
YaBookNerd (with help from the great folks @ Penguin)
is holding our first contest
Sarah has a newish online community @ - http://sarah-land.ning.com
Be sure to check it out!
You can find me there
add me as a friend :)
2 Winners will win an ARC of the book
To Win: Leave a comment telling me what question you like to ask authors when you meet them.
I love asking "What's the last book you read that you think everyone should read next?"
(sorry contest open to US residents only)
The contest will end on Thursday night at midnight (eastern time)
Good Luck!

If you haven't, what are you waiting for?
Or if you have, but want to win a copy
then this message is also for you
YaBookNerd (with help from the great folks @ Penguin)
is holding our first contest
Sarah has a newish online community @ - http://sarah-land.ning.com
Be sure to check it out!
You can find me there
add me as a friend :)
2 Winners will win an ARC of the book
To Win: Leave a comment telling me what question you like to ask authors when you meet them.
I love asking "What's the last book you read that you think everyone should read next?"
(sorry contest open to US residents only)
The contest will end on Thursday night at midnight (eastern time)
Good Luck!
I like to ask how they became authors.
I would ask what books they read as teens.
I want this book SO bad! I'm SO glad you are hosting this contest!
Im a little random... I would ask them "If you were to chose, what animal would you be and why" I probably would ask more!
I like to ask what were some of the first books they read/had read to them that really influenced them.
I LOVED this book, so great! Checked it out from the library, but would love to own a copy!
Well, I recently asked an author if they could be dropped into one book, which book would it be and why? I thought that was an interesting question..lol
Thanks for the great contest, and your blog is looking fantastic!
i would probably ask them what gave them the idea for the story. i've heard some crazy answers, so it always interests me. :)
Great contest Jen!
I'll leave a question, but please don't enter me in the contest.
To authors: "What book character has most influenced the traits that you give to your characters?"
Hmmm...great question. I like your question (it's always super to get reading recommendations from trusted sources), but I'll throw out another one too. How about...If you weren't working as an author, what would you be doing?
Um, I usually freeze up and can't think of a single intelligent comment/question. If I had my brain, I would ask what their favorite book of theirs is and what they think their best book is.
My first thought is usually to ask if I can take a picture. If I have a real conversation (I think it's only happened once), I like to ask what parts of their own lives show up in their books.
I love asking "Is there a question you wish you were asked more often" since it always seems to lead authors to talk about something they're passionate about.
Kristin (email = dazdnconfusd@comcast.net
I would totally ask them for a hug first, then their autograph, then ask them how they became a writer.. :)
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