Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Top Ten Tuesdays: Authors that Make Me Laugh

 This week's topic is about book quotes. There are so many great quotes, but I stopped writing them down a while back. So - here are authors that always make me laugh.

Here are some of their books:

New to me authors that make me laugh:

Do you read these authors? Do they also make you laugh?


Lydia said...

Oh, how fun. I adore humorous books.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

Stephanie Sullivan said...

Such a great list! I love love love Fourth Wing! Happy Tuesday!

Poinsettia said...

Fun topic! I haven't read these, but I'll keep these authors in mind when I'm looking for something fun. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

Pam said...

I have a couple of authors I turn to when I want warm fuzzy feelings. They are Jenny Colgan and Phaedra Patrick.

Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

Susan said...

Ally Carter is a great choice! I love her Gallagher Girl series. So funny.

Happy TTT!