Monday, May 20, 2024

Middle Grade Review: Unstuck


Lyla is stoked that her English class will be spending time creative writing. She can't wait to start her fantasy novel. She might even make it part of a series. Lyla even creates the perfect opening sentence. But after that, she can't seem to write a single word.

Nothing is helping. Her teacher is trying by giving her all kinds of helpful hints. They don't help.

To make matters worse, drama creeps into the rest of her life. Her best friend attends another school and they are drifting apart. Her sister is applying for college. Dahlia isn't sure she wants to go to college.  

Most of her life, Lyla has been second to her perfect sister. For once in her life, Lyla could eclipse her sister. If only she could find the words.
My Thoughts: A fantastic book about writing and more importantly the process of writing. I spend a lot of time thinking about writing too. I loved the moments between the sisters. Things were tense between them as secrets are spilled. I felt bad for Lyla and her friendship drama. I enjoyed her moments with Journey. I loved the moments of Lyla in the library - and I loved that it was a place of sanctuary for her. I love that. This was a great blend of drama: friendship, family, and writing. Barbara Dee does it again!  

Cover Thoughts: Perfect
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A must have middle grade book for your school and public library collections! 

1 comment:

Natalie Aguirre said...

As a writer, I think I'd like this book too. It's cool that you found this book in your library.