Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors

 This week's topic is authors I would love a new book from.

I don't have 10, just the big three:

Jane Austen
Louisa May Alcott
LM Montgomery 

Wouldn't it be amazing to have a new book discovered by these authors? 


Lydia said...

I’d love to read more from L.M. Montgomery!

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

Karis DeHaven said...

Jane Austen was at the top of my list too! I recently discovered Frances Burney, though, and while she's not quite the same as Jane Austen, at least she was writing around the same time!
Here's my TTT: https://thissideofstoryland.blogspot.com/2024/05/top-ten-tuesday-authors-id-love-new.html

Nicole Santana said...

I agree with your list. I would LOVE a new book from these amazing authors.

crackercrumblife said...

Sometimes those are all you need!

Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard said...

It would be amazing to get a new book by any of those three.