Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Picture Book Wednesday: Black Experience

Again, these books are great for Black History Month and also all year round. 

One family work together to serve the last stand at the farmer's market. All the other stands have closed. But one day, Papa is too tired to make it. The first week, the boy makes a mess of things. But the second week, he starts to problem solve. The community comes together to support the stand and the family.

This is a sweet story about community, farms, and trying to make it. The author's note is touching and eye opening. 

A grandmother and her granddaughter share love that shines bright and that love crosses the universe. 

I love how the pair go through seasons together. While this book doesn't have many words, it pacts a powerful punch in terms of the message. Family love is always there and strong. The illustrations in this book are gorgeous.  

*This book was sent for review 

After work, Roy DeCarava would travel the streets of Harlem looking for beauty. When he would it, he would snap a picture. 

There is a great message here about beauty catching someone's eye, the truth catching someone's eye and a moment captured forever. Roy DeCarava captured these moments and became a famous photographer with photos from everyday life. This book inspires me both to look at the world a little differently and also to research his photographs. 

Couple walking, Park Avenue, 1960 (Credit: Estate of Roy DeCarava. Courtesy David Zwirner)

I Can Read Book:

Parker is having a hard day, which comes with BIG feelings. She needs some time to herself to calm her feelings. 

I love how Parker and her mom come up with ideas to make her feel better. There's an end note that talks about feelings and how to help yourself clam down.

**This book was sent for review 

After a trip to a museum where they talk about Martin Luther King Jr., the class talks about their big deals. 

This is an inspiring read. The kids had lovely dreams; we need to find a way to make those dreams come true

*** This book was sent for review 

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