Monday, March 3, 2025

Middle Grade Review: The Ribbon Skirt

Anang isn't a boy or a girl. They are a two-spirit or nonbinary. They want to make a ribbon skirt for the powwow. They don't want people to treat them differently; not every in the tribe is welcoming about their two spirit-ness. Even someone Anang considered a friend.

They ask the spirits for help. The turtles show up and help. Anang takes it as a sign that they should wear the skirt. 
My Thoughts: This was a really interesting book as it combined so many pieces. The author is from the same tribe as Anang - and is also a two-spirit person. I felt so bad for them and wanted to wrap them in a hug. I love the way the spirits were woven into the books. The illustrations are lovely. I love how the skirt turned out. 

The back matter is fantastic: glossary, histories, two-spirit information, and a recipe.

Cover Thoughts: Sweet
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for your school and public library's collection. 

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