Monday, February 24, 2025

Graphic Novel Review: Fresh Start

Ollie's used to moving (her dad is a diplomat) and creating a fresh start - which is great when you make a fool out of yourself. But it's also hard to keep friends when you're always moving. 

Ollie loves anime - particularly Quill. As she gets to know her classmates, she realizes that she might have judged them too soon. There are several who love anime - just like her. 

As she starts putting down roots, could everything be ripped away from her?
My Thoughts: This book was super cute. There was a lot of drama: friendship and family. Ollie's parents and her younger sister don't get along. Trouble bubbles up in the family. I love the addition of the hedgie. I really loved how the friendships developed - past and present. The illustrations are adorable. 

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A must have book for your school and graphic novel


Natalie Aguirre said...

The cover for this book is cute. I'm glad you enjoyed this graphic novel so much. I wish I could get into reading them because they're becoming more popular. Happy MMGM!

Greg Pattridge said...

I'm reading more graphic novels than ever before. They are also a big draw for young readers who shy away from longer text only books. Fresh Start has all the elements of a good one with a great plot and characters. Thanks for featuring it on MMGM this week.

Jenni said...

This sounds like a fun read! The diplomat father is new and intriguing! It also sounds like it has an important theme.

Test said...

I am buying this one for my library. Graphic novels are so expensive, and oftern meet bad ends, so I don't buy them all.

Rosi said...

This sounds like a lot of fun. I'm sure the kids will love it. Thanks for the review.