Emma Harris is late to learning about magic. But her father drops her off at Miss Posterity's Academy for Practical Magic where she hopefully has time to catch up before the kindling ritual. Emma's father spares no expense for his father. As such, she becomes a favorite amongst the other students.
Until, an accident claims the life of her father. Now penniless, Emma's forced to work at the school. Gone are her fancy clothes and belonging. Gone is her comfortable room and days filled with lessons. Now she's a scullery maid and shares a room with Izzy.
Emma can tell that Izzy's not thrilled at having to show her the ropes. But gradually they begin to talk. Izzy lets it slip that she's not interested in having here magic eliminated because she's not from the higher society. She means to perform the kindling ritual. But, she'll need Emma's help to complete the task. Emma's not sure she wants to. However, reluctantly, they come up with a plan. And they cross their fingers that everything comes out they way they need it to...
My Thoughts: This delightful novel is The Little Princess meets magic. It's charming. I loved the bits about magic and learning about the kindling ritual with Izzy and Emma. I loved how Emma learned more about the world - but I also wanted to give her a great big hug. I really loved the house dragon, the way the house moves rooms, the library, Emma's new friend Tom and his family, and of course, the magic. This novel touches on true friendship, class and society, snobbery and bullies, and kindness. And I loved the ending - simply magical. This book soothed my heart and made me believe in goodness in the world again.
Cover Thoughts: Charming
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for school and public libraries.
And I'm ever so happy there's a follow up book out next year!