As a salute to Women's History Month (and the 30th anniversary), I'm going to end the month with posts about feisty women.
Today's topic gusty TV and movie women characters in no particular order but enough for each day of the month. Leave ones I didn't get a chance to list in the comments!
1. Buffy
2. Halliwell sisters - Charmed

3. Sydney Bristo - Alias
4. Ellen
5. The Gilmore ladies - Gilmore Girls
6. Dr. Temperance Brennan - Bones
7. Kahlan Amnell - Legend of the Seeker
8. Murphy Brown
9. C.J. Craig - West Wing
10. Xena

11. wonder woman
12. Chloe O'Brien - 24
13. Kate Beckett - Castle
14. the women of Army Wives
15. Elizabeth Bennett - Pride and Prejudice
16. Elle Woods - Legally Blonde
17. Viola - She's the Man

18. Alice Paul - Iron Jawed Angels
19. Anne Shirley - Anne of Green Gables
20. Jo March - Little Women
21. Mulan
22. Thelma and Louise
23. First Wives Club
24. Erin Gruwell - Freedom Writers
25. Erin Brockovich
26. League of their Own

27. Hermione Granger - Harry Potter
28. Jesminder - Bend it Like Beckham
29. Barbara Novak - Down with Love
30. Rachel Dawes - Batman Begins
31. Katherine Watson - Mona Lisa Smile