Friday, February 28, 2025

Vacation Photos: Florida


We had a nice long weekend in Florida

We went to a Tea at Cake Bake

The decor was amazing:

They welcomed you with this:

The tiers:

A tea cake

It was so much fun! 
We had a great time. 
The tea was excellent and the treats were delicious. 

We also went to Blue Spring State Park where we saw a bunch of manatees. 

It was so nice to be in the sunshine again. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Review: The Note


Three friends take a vacation together in the Hamptons. Things spin out of control very quickly during a night out on the town. After a couple steals their parking space, they jokingly write out a note for them to leave on their windshield. After stating they would never do it, they go back to catching up.

But later that week, there are missing posters with the man's face on them. May realizes it's the same guy who from the parking space incident. She urges the others to tell the police, but they refuse.  But can she let it be?
My Thoughts: It took me a little bit to get into the book, but then I was hooked. These three friends are only friends because of a tragedy years ago. They reconnected after they were all canceled. All of them have secrets; none of them can be trusted. I loved all the plot twists and secrets. 

Cover Thoughts: Good
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A great thriller for your adult section

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Picture Book Wednesday: Hair like Obama's Hands like LeBron's

Black children look up to formidable Black heroes. They can dare to dream to just like them. 

The Author's Note talks about Representation and daring to dream big. The book also shares mini biographies about each person mentioned. The illustrations are amazing. An inspirational book that should be on every public library shelf. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Graphic Novel Review: Fresh Start

Ollie's used to moving (her dad is a diplomat) and creating a fresh start - which is great when you make a fool out of yourself. But it's also hard to keep friends when you're always moving. 

Ollie loves anime - particularly Quill. As she gets to know her classmates, she realizes that she might have judged them too soon. There are several who love anime - just like her. 

As she starts putting down roots, could everything be ripped away from her?
My Thoughts: This book was super cute. There was a lot of drama: friendship and family. Ollie's parents and her younger sister don't get along. Trouble bubbles up in the family. I love the addition of the hedgie. I really loved how the friendships developed - past and present. The illustrations are adorable. 

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A must have book for your school and graphic novel

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Picture Book Wednesday: Dinosaurs in Space


This book goes off the rails when the narrator mentions pieces of the dinosaurs could be in space. 

Dinosaurs in Space is a funny book that dinosaur lovers will enjoy. While it is informative, it's also really funny. The back matter answers questions that came up during the book. There's also a glossary and some informational cards. Share this one with everyone! 

A must have book for your public library. 

* book sent for review 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Teen Summer Reading (3): Craft Program Ideas


The past two weeks, I've shared program ideas. You can see them here and here.

Here are a few more - all from pinterest

Alma Thomas Inspired Art - you could do a whole series of art inspired by famous artists

Comeback next week for another teen summer reading post.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Book List: Art Heist

As I was sharing books for Color Your World, I realized there were several Art Heist books.

So, I made a graphic:

Books Included:
Starry Starry Heist
Chasing Vermeer
A Strange Thing Happened in Cherry Hall
Mystery on the Museum Mile
The Art Swap
Capitol Chase
The Van Gogh Deception
Arts and Thefts
The Sweetest Heist in History

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Review: Sookie and Ivy Books


These two books are delightful!

They both follow the same format: pictures of the two dogs with hats on one page and a famous quote on the other side. 

These books are perfect for relaxing and sharing with friends. 

If you need more, visit their Instagram page

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Picture Book Review: Sole Man

A last part of the shoe needed to be hand done, Jan couldn't see why a machine wouldn't work. He liked to tinker on machines. But every time he asked a question; the same answers were given. He created an invention. The machine is large and complicated, so complicated that the patent office sent someone to look at the machine.
This biography is great - I love the set up and then the flashback. I didn't know anything about his man, but his story is fascinating.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Never Reviewed

 This week's topic are books that I haven't reviewed - which does happen for a variety of different reasons. And it's not because I didn't like the book

Monday, February 17, 2025

Middle Grade Review: Same Page

Bess is super excited to become class President. Plus, her good friend June is Vice-President. Together, they help their librarian pick books for the school's new book vending machine. But the next day, several of the books are missing. 

Bess is ready to fight against censorship and banned books. When she finds out June's mom is behind the missing books, she's not sure what to feel. Does June think the same why? Why isn't she speaking up?  Is Bess wrong about their friendship?
My Thoughts: This was a really good book about a really hard subject. I really loved Bess. I was impressed at how spoke up and how she was determined to do the right thing even though it was hard. I felt badly for her and June with their friendship struggles. It's hard to read about banned books and censorship right now, but this was a book I couldn't put down.

Cover Thoughts: Charming
Source: My Library

Library Recommendation: A must have book for your school and public library

* Animal: There is a missing animal, but it works out

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Picture Book Biographies: Books for Black History Month (And all year)

Here are a few picture book biographies perfect for Black History Month and the rest of the year.

Ida B. Wells learned from her parents to stand up for what's right. She stood up for many causes, including the right for women to vote. Ida B. Wells didn't care what other people thought; she marched in the parade despite racism comments from the organizers. Sadly, she died before Women of Color were allowed to vote. 

This is a great biography that talks about racism, standing up for what's right, and getting the job done.

If you had an instant to make a tough choice that would change your life forever, what would you choose? Teenage Claudette Colvin chose to fight back against racial injustice. But it didn't change her life the way that she hoped. Her classmates made fun of her. She wasn't looked on as a hero - not like Rosa Parks, who did the same thing months later. But that wasn't the end of her time in the spotlight. 

I'm impressed at the choice Claudette Colvin made as a teenager. It was impressive. This story is put forth in an easy manner with a lot of meat to the story. I loved the line: "...I took two stands for justice. And I would do it again." The last illustration is very powerful; the illustrations are gorgeous in this book. 

The author's note is fascinating

* book sent for review
** this is a must have book for all libraries

One little almost doesn't tell his family about a potluck at school because he doesn't want to be different.

This is a wonderful book. His grandfather teaches him about food from Africa and that learning about food is a way to connect everyone. I love this message. Kofi begins to understand that his culture is something to be proud of and to share. There is a recipe to share.