Monday, January 27, 2025

Review: Away


* companion novel to Alone

In the middle of the night, people in Colorado are rounded up and told to evacuate. They are loaded up on buses after gathering one bag to take with them. They're not told why they're being forced to leave.

They're bused to former camp, not in use since the Cold War.  They're forced to give up their cell phones and electronics. There a journalist meets a film maker meets a future doctor meets a teen who grew up on a ranch. The four teens form a bond between them. They interview people in the camp. 

Time passes. They still haven't been told the reason behind their evacuation, only that it's not safe for them. Their homes are in the contamination zone. But to the teens, nothing makes sense. They start questioning what they know - but more importantly what they don't know. Could there be something more to the story?
* While this is a companion novel, readers who pick up this book first won't miss out on any story. There is a nod to ALONE, that readers will enjoy if they have read that book.

** There is a cow that dies after giving birth, but all the other animals are fine.

My Thoughts: I loved this book. The formatting was different - poems, media announcements, newspaper write-ups, letters, and screenplay. While this book is long, it's a short read. First because of the format and second because of the tension. I'm so glad Megan Freeman wrote this book - it's all about friendship, big government, and uncovering the truth. I love how these characters gravitated towards each other and became friends. I love how they helped each other through the tough moments and didn't back down. Popcorn is adorable! Make time to read this one!

Cover Thoughts: Awesome
Source: ARC sent for review
Library Recommendation: A must have middle grade novel for your school or public library collection

Release Date: February 11, 2025


Natalie Aguirre said...

I hadn't heard of this one, but it sounds like a powerful story. I'll keep my eye out for it. Thanks. Happy MMGM!

Greg Pattridge said...

The plot and characters have me hooked . Looking forward now to reading this one. Thanks for being a part of MMGM this week.

Sue said...

Wow! Sounds great.

Valinora Troy said...

I've added Away to my TBR - it sounds great! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

Rosi said...

I just started reading this, and I am really enjoying it. I loved ALONE and wanted more when I finished it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.