Monday, January 13, 2025

Middle Grade Books: 2025 Books


Here are a few middle grade books and graphic novels I'm hoping to read (and review) this year:


Graphic Novels:

And the new Meg Cabot book that doesn't have a cover yet.

What am I missing from this list?


Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm looking forward to One-Step Wrong and Same Page. I'm going to bookmark this page to check out some of your other book recommendations. Thanks!

Brenda said...

What a wonderful selection of books and loving the covers! Especially Into the Rapids, I'm really intrigued by that one. Thank you for sharing all of these. Happy MMGM

Brenda said...

I'm really loving your selection and those covers. Especially intrigued by Into the Rapids. Happy MMGM

Greg Pattridge said...

I have several of these on my list to review in the coming months and just finished All the Blues in the Sky. As for many of the TBR list is growing! Thanks for featuring your post on this week's MMGM.

Rosi said...

Thanks for the heads up on Away and on Into the Rapids. Both look great!

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction said...

Several of these are books I'm definitely looking forward to as well! I've already read BEA MULLINS and AWAY, and they are both wonderful!!

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Carol Baldwin said...

You have a TALL TBR shelf!!

Valinora Troy said...

I've only heard of 2 or 3 of these, but I look forward to reading your reviews of them all! There are so many wonderful middle grade stories published every year that I suspect you are missing a lot at this moment! :) TBR lists are just monstrous these days! :) Thanks for sharing!