Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Assigned Reading

 This week's topic is assigned reading - from school. School was a long time ago. But let's dig in.

I took an AP English class in high school. It was horrible. I hated everything we read. And didn't understand most of it.

I'm not sure if this was the exact book. But I think so.

Didn't understand anything about this book.

Earlier in High School:
I loved this one.

I know everyone loves this book. But it was a meh for me.

I thought this one was important.

I know there were others - I also think the Merchant of Venice.
I've never liked Shakespeare - although I love several modern adaptations of his works:
10 Things I Hate About You
She's the Man
Lion King

Not sure if this was college or high school:
I liked it - a bit sad, but good.

A bunch of college reads:
Loved it! Visited Edith Wharton's home some years back. She was fascinating. 

I took a Jane Austen course in college - while studying in Bath. We read all six novels. I had read them before but still enjoyed them. My favorites are: Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, and Emma. Although I really do like Sense and Sensibility. 

I loved this one - such great imagery. I hated Mr. Rochester though. Still do

Have you read any of these? Agree? Disagree?


Lydia said...

I had the same reaction to Jane Eyre. Mr. Rochester should have been promptly written out, though. Haha.

crackercrumblife said...

I didn't understand Portrait of the Artist at all either.

Aymee said...

In college, my English teacher was OBSESSED with James Joyce. I never got it. At. All. As for Shakespeare, I wasn't ever interested either, until I got to see a couple of his plays performed back in August. They make so much more sense when you can see it all in addition to hearing it.

Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

Marwah A said...

I don't think I've read any of these books before, although I'd like to read more books by Jane Austen. Reading assignments make it so hard to like the books, I definitely didn't like every book that was assigned to me :)

If you'd like to visit, here's my TTT: https://thebooklorefairy.blogspot.com/2024/10/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-was-assigned-in-school.html

Susan said...

I went to a teensy tiny high school where no AP classes were offered. I wish they had been, but maybe I should be glad I missed AP English! Ha ha.

Happy TTT!