Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: YA Spring TBR

 This week's topic is Spring TBR list. Over the past few years, I've noticed a significant shift in my reading habits. I used to read more cozies. I used to read more YA books. Now I read so many more romances. I still love YA books (obviously) but often I don't get to read all the ones I want to read. So here are ones coming out this Spring that I'm excited to read.

Spring = Book released in April, May, or June






Are any of these books on your TBR list too?


Astilbe said...

I hope you like Cool for the Summer.

FYI, the link to this post was broken on Jana's site.

Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

A fabulous list of upcoming titles.

Lydia said...

I hope you enjoy all of these books!

My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-on-my-spring-2021-tbr/

Jessica said...

I am looking forward to reading so many of the books you listed!! And I've read Counting Down With You, I think you'll like it! :)