Monday, November 12, 2018

Review: Dear Sister

Dear Sister
An older boy becomes a big brother - much to his dismay. His parents force him to draw pictures and write letters for her baby book. He's less than thrilled and his letters/pictures usually get him grounded.

As time goes on, he grows to care for. But maybe not every choice of reading material. The letters continue until he leaves for college.
My Thoughts: I loved this epistolary novel. I loved the letters and the pictures and the illustrations. It was a perfect combination. I loved how the brother was annoyed at the request to read the same book and over again. It was a quick but emotional read. I loved how the relationship between the siblings evolved from annoyance to acceptance to love. The end made me tear up.

Cover Thoughts: Funny
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: A great one for your school or public library collection.

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