This week's topic is a rewind - a free topic. I'm choosing the third week (when I wasn't participating in this meme yet). Fun book titles - I find at times, I want to read books on covers and/or titles. Here are some titles I find amusing and/or clever. Many of them are cozies.
- meme from The Broke and the Bookish

photo from:
Teen Books:
Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie
The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things
Complete History of Why I Hate Her
Forgive My Fins
52 Reasons to Hate my Father
Buffalo West Wing
Sinister Sprinkles
Rest in Pizza
On Borrowed Time
9 Rules to Break When Romance a Rake
What titles make you giggle?
Haha, I love your topic choice this week! My favourite titles from your list would have to be Complete History of Why I Hate Her and Rest In Pizza, those two had me giggling. Here's my TTT, I went with my favourite mind-blowing endings.
I have actually not heard of most of these, except for The Earth, My Butt, and Other Rounds Things. Was that good? Nice list.
Here's mine.
Nice list. I'm also fond of "Twice Upon a Marigold."
I loved the Round Butt title. Obviously, I have groundling humor. But I did hear the author speak at a conference, and she made me laugh, too.
I love this topic! I have to admit that sometimes I read books because they have cool titles.
Here are some of my favorites:
This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith
Sleeping Freshman Never Lie by David Lubar
I'd Tell You That I Love You But Then I Would Have to Kill You by Ally Carter
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