
Friday, December 30, 2011

Best Books of 2011

Here's my 3rd annual report on my favorite books this year. I can't of course choose just one (I did read 365 after all) Check out the 2008, 2009, and 2010 posts. Unless stated the following books are teen titles. These are the books I've read this year and not only 2011 books. Also there are several books I could have used for many categorizes, but I chose not to duplicate them too much because there were SO many great books that I read this year. Enjoy the list!

Best Covers (separate post here and come back tomorrow for my favorite mystery covers)

Best Faerie/Fairy: Faerie Ring

Best Fun Nonfiction: Seventeen Style

Best Nonfiction: Count on Us

Best Science Fiction: Outside In

Best Werewolf: Trial By Fire

Best Art: Darker Still (review coming soon)

Best Contemporary: Lola and the Boy Next Door

Best Adult Contemporary: Turn in the Road/ Rose Cottage (not reviewed)

Best Gothic: Circle of Fire

Best Ghost: Ghost Huntress the Discovery

Best Paranormal: Die for Me

Best Adult Paranormal: Chicagoland Vampire series

Best book that reminded me of Jane Austen: Kat, Incorrigible

Best Adult Regency: Eleven Scandals to Start to Save a Duke's Heart (not reviewed)

Best Children's Picture Book: Love, Mouserella / Detective Blue (both reviewed on goodreads)

Best Verse Novel: Day Before

Best Book I Never Would Have Read on My Own: Putting Make-up On Dead People (review for review in VOYA)

Best Teen Princess: Royal Treatment

Best Adult Princess (or the Kate + Will tie in) To Marry a Prince (not reviewed)

Best Tween Princess: Tuesdays at the Castle

Best Series Ending: Last Sacrifice

Best Adult Series Ending: 1225 Christmas Tree Lane / The Summer Garden

Best Spin-off: Bloodlines and Medusa Plot

Best New Chapter in a series: Uncommon Criminals / Demonglass

Best New Series: Pledge / Belles

Best Tween Series: Canterwood Crest / Goddess Girls

Best Mythology: Sweet Venom / Touch of Frost

Best Tween Mystery: Midnight Tunnel

Best Mystery: Liar Society / Clarity

Best Adult Mystery: To Have and to Kill / Decadent Way to Die

Best Historical Fiction: Traitor in the Tunnel

Best Adult Historical Fiction: The Wallflower series

Best TV/Movie tie-in: Deadly Storm - Castle

Most Haunting Read: Dear Bully

Best Short Stories: Enthralled

Best Novel about Girls with Brains: Shut Out

Best College Book: Love Story

Best Snarkiness: Paranormalcy / Never Sit Down in a Hoop Skirt....

Best Craft Book: Stamp It! (no review)

Best Graphic Novel: Stepping on Roses

Best Dystopian: Legend / Divergent

Best Time Travel: Hourglass

Best Road Trip: Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

Best Survival: Wolf Storm

Best Holiday Book: Home for the Holidays

Best Adult Holiday Book: Wallflower Christmas

Best Adult Food Book: Death by Dozen

Best Fantasy Paranormalcy

Best Kiss: Demonglass / Shut Out

New Author to Watch: Marie Lu / Veronica Roth

Best Action: Medusa Plot

Best Library: Touch of Frost

Best Dragon: Dragon Flight


  1. I read some of these and some are in my TBR pile.

    I'm reading Lola right now and loving it.

    Happy New Year!

  2. So glad to see someone else likes the Princess for Hire series. So adorable & fun!

    My favorite book of the year was Froi. I like how you did favorites for so many categories. I just have a top 10 list on my blog.
