Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Wishes

 This week's topic is all about book wishes. I wish that I could read these books ASAP!

I know that some of these are out already. My library has been on a budget freeze for 6 months. So, I'm a little behind on reading. 

Any of these on your list too?


Lydia said...

Heiress Takes All is making me crave cake! haha.

crackercrumblife said...

I'm going to have to look up Finally Heard. It looks cute!

Pam said...

I hope you are able to read these soon!

Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

Susan said...

I'm excited to read FINALLY HEARD too. I've enjoyed the other books I've read by that author. I hope you enjoy all these when you get to them!

Happy TTT!

Read with Stefani said...

The Rule Books sound like the perfect summer read. I must check it out further. https://readwithstefani.com/my-top-10-bookish-wishes/

Kelly Lyn said...

that sucks to hear about the library budget. i am always complaining about my library system because they buy maybe one or two copies of a popular book to share between t different libraries in our county and then by 6-7 copies of other books that are never requested and sit on shelves and are then put on discard shelves months later.

my ttt: https://blessedmommysc.blogspot.com/2024/07/top-ten-tuesday-classics-wishlist.html