Thursday, June 6, 2024

Romance Review: The Cheat Sheet


Bree is in love with her best friend, Nathan. But she will never tell him. 

Nathan is in love with Bree, but will never tell her.

They have been best friends for years. Neither of them wants to ruin their friendship by risking a romance. What if it goes badly?

But one night out with the team, Bree has too much to drink and confides to a woman in the bathroom. The woman turns out to be a reporter. Now everyone is shipping the friends. They start fake dating, but Nathan is determined to make it real. Could this be the way to jumpstart their relationship?

My Thoughts:
Friends to Lovers
Fake Dating
Famous / not famous
Ballet / Football

I really loved the football friends. They were so much fun.
This was a great book that I really enjoyed. 

Cover Thoughts: Charming
Source: Purchased for a friend
Library Recommendation: Highly Recommended for your public library's romance collection.

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