Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Popular Books

 This week's topic is all about popular books I still want to read. I will die with a list of books I want to read, so this was hard to choose. But I tried to go in order of date. I could add so many more, but I'm going to stop at 10. 

Have you read any of these?


Lydia said...

I haven’t read any of these authors either!

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse said...

The only one of these I have read is Fourth Wing. I loved it.

Natalie Aguirre said...

No,I haven't read any of these. Partners in crime sounds good. I hope you get to them.

Nicole said...

Oh my goodness, I didn't even know Legrand published another book. Yet, another series! I loved her debut Furyborn when it first came out, and thank you for alerting me to her new series. The covers for all these books look gorgeous - no wonder why they are on your tbr. The Golden Spoon also looks interesting! Best of luck with defeating your TBR stack!

Rebecca said...

I definitely have not read any of these but let me tell you The Personal Assistant looks extra good.

Susan said...

I haven't read any of these either, although several of them are on my never-ending TBR list. And I do mean never-ending! Just like you, I'll die with a huge list of books I wanted to read and never got to. So many books, so little time, indeed.

Happy TTT!

iloveheartlandX said...

Ah The Golden Spoon is actually my current read!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/11/14/top-ten-tuesday-446/