Friday, March 31, 2023

5 Things: Summer Reading

I'm a HUGE Jenn McKinlay fan - so I was super happy to read an early copy of this book (out in mid-May)

I'm also reviewing for Fresh Fiction, so keep an eye out for that....

But I did want to share just some of the reasons I loved it so much...

Also I loved the bits in the library! 

Put this one on your radar ASAP! 

* book was sent for review

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Graphic Novel Review: Catherine's War

Rachel discovered photography at school, and it changed her life. She hasn't heard from parents in months. She isn't sure what's happening, but the war is getting closer. Rachel is Jewish. It's no longer safe in France. 

At first, Rachel has to change her name and learn a new identity. She becomes Catherine. And then she has to leave her friends and her new home. She travels to a new place where she remembers to take pictures. Catherine doesn't let the war stop her from making friends, but she's never out of danger.

She travels to new places, always leaving a part of her behind, but always taking a piece with her in photographic evidence. 
My Thoughts: I really loved this graphic novel. It was an interesting look at WWII through a photographer's eyes. I felt so bad for Rachel and her friends. But I was also impressed by their willingness to move again and again. I'm so impressed by the people who took in these children, who gave them a good home, and who cared for them. It must have been so hard, so scary, and so devastating when you had to move again or when you were split up from those you grew to care about. So much courage in this graphic novel. This story was based on the author's mother's experience. 

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: my library
Library Recommendation: A must have graphic novel collection for your school and public library. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Picture Book Wednesday: Dance the Hora

At the end of dance class, the students are allowed to show off their moves. But Isadora never has anything new to show her friends - until her cousin's wedding. Isadora and her grandmother join in the Hora. Finally, Isadora has something to share.

I love how this story weaves together the two stories - one about the dance class and one about the wedding. This is a charming book to share together.  

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: If You a Fan

 This week's topic is if you're a fan of X. I'm choosing horse books as my X because I'm SUPER EXCITED that Jessica Burkhart has a new book coming out on May 30th.

If you're waiting for it like me, here are some books you might want to read in the meantime.

Obviously the Canterwood Crest series

Children's Books:

Graphic Novels:

Middle Grade:


Old School Children's Book:

Monday, March 27, 2023

Series Spotlight: Dear Beast

Andy's parents divorce. Andy gets a dog, Beast, at his Dad's house. Simon, the original pet, is NOT happy. Simon tries to get Beast to leave. 

Simon is happy to have Beast be in the pet parade this year instead of him - until he gets jealous. 

The classroom pet is missing - Andy is fighting with his friend about who is to blame. Simon decides he's going to solve the mystery. 

Andy's mom goes away for the week. Simon goes to stay with Andy and Beast - and it doesn't go as Simon planned.

Dear Beast is part of our Easy Chapter collection as it's short (roughly 75 pages) and heavily illustrated. 

It's an adorable epistolary novel series. Beast's letters are playful and full of mis-spelled words. Simon is a grump old curmudgeon. But they both love Andy and want him to be happy. You meet other animals in the neighborhood - Snail (who delivers the mail and may have been a spy), Squirrel, a skunk, a wily crow, an old outdoor tomcat. The illustrations are super cute. This series is perfect for animal lovers! 

A must have series for your library collection! 

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Board Books

Just a few fun new board books that came into the library. 

Rex and his little dinosaur friend are playing Peekaboo

Fun and clever - readers will get a kick out this one. They will want to start reading all over again! 

Shapes turn into food and the ants move all the food to have a feast.

A fun way to take a look at shapes and food and working together. 

Leo's getting ready for a busy day.

Lots of cute illustrations and lots of fun getting ready. I love these books. 

The ABCs with Black women in music

A cool concept book with trailblazing women. A lot going on here - lots of learning about music and Black women. I love the mix of modern and older musicians. 

Friday, March 24, 2023

Children's Basketball Books: A Place to Start

 If you have a kiddo curious about basketball or who just loves the sport. 

Here's a great place to start in books

1. Fiction

2. Fiction written by the pros

3. Biographies - read up on your favorite superstars

4. About the Game

And if you're looking for middle grade books here's a list of Books with Female Main Characters and Middle Grade and YA Books with Male Main Characters

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Picture Book Wednesday: The Lodge that Beaver Built


Beaver builds a lodge for his family - and it helps lots of other animals in the stream.

This is a great nature book - which showcases the circle of life. I love that the lodge helps so many other animals - even when the beavers have moved on. There are so many different animals to talk about. I love that they are all connected to each other. A smart book with lovely illustrations. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Bookmarks

 This week's topic is a rewind freebie. I'm going with favorite bookmarks.

Ones I have:

A few favorites still to purchase


It's easier to paint two together and then cut...

A reading tree

A series of dried flower bookmarks:

Are you a fan of bookmarks or do you just use any piece of paper handy?

Monday, March 20, 2023

Review: Sweet Pea Summer


* Book 2 in the Full Bloom Farm Series *

Eight years ago, May decided not to travel the world with Tom after graduation. She never told anyone the truth about that night and let everyone think he left her. Everyone in town turned against him, which wasn't a bad thing because he never came back.

Until his family needed him to come home and run the vineyard. But the vineyard is struggling. Tom needs the Northwest Food and Wine Festival to be a big hit in order to survive. He's willing to do anything to make that happen - including co-organize the event with May.

The more time May spends with Tom, the more she realizes that:
1. She was never brave
2. She should not have kept silent all those years ago
3. She's stuck in a rut
4. She might still have feelings for him.

Could there be room for a second chance?
My Thoughts: I enjoyed the second book in this four book series. Obviously, this is the Persuasion retelling. And I liked that May was the one in the wrong. The tight knit community might be a bit too tight in this one - I felt badly for Tom. He struggled with all the negative comments, but handled it well (much better than I would have.) I liked the moments between May and her father. Looking forward to book 3. 

Cover Thoughts: Charming
Source: Book sent for Review
Library Recommendations: Perfect for your Jane Austen fans and your Hallmark movie fans. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

TBR Check In: Winter


I just shared my Spring TBR list - so it's time for a check-in from my winter list.

And I did ok but not great.

Part of the is the supply issue - ordering books for the library use to take a week. Now it takes a month or so for them to arrive. 

While I did read other books, out of this list, I read:
1 middle grade
0 YA (although I have three currently checked out from the library)
6 adult and 2 more are currently checked out.

I have read 45 books this year so far...

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Teen Summer Reading Program (4): We Are Stronger Together

Here is the final week of the summer reading program posts.

I talked about craft ideas for the week 1 and week 2. I talked about food programs for week 3.

And this week I'm talking about book ideas.

It's harder to buy books for this theme for teens. There are a lot more books for kids around kindness, community, and friendship...

There are a lot of older YA titles about friendship but I'm looking for new titles to add to the collection. 


What else could you add to this list?