Next to the body rests a lemon jelly donut - from Suzanne's own shop. It appears to have poison mixed with the frosting. It's no secret Suzanne didn't like Peg, but she didn't kill her. Still, the police are investigating her and everyone knows they've torn apart her shop looking for evidence.
How will she be able to keep her store going if people think the donuts are poisoned? Suzanne knows for the sake of her store, she must launch her own investigation.
Not many people liked the prickly Peg and the list of suspects grows longer every day. Can Suzanne and her best friend Grace uncover vital information that will lead them to the killer without leading the killer to them?
My Thoughts: I love this series - for the fresh donut twist (which always makes me CRAVE donuts), the insider's look on how to make donuts, the romance between Suzanne and an officer, and Suzanne's relationships with those closest to her.
The Cover: Delicious - Love it!
Source: Purchased
Titles: LOVE them - super fun!
Up Next in November: I can't wait to read it!
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