Monday, March 24, 2025

Middle Grade Review: Spy Ski School

* Book 4 in the Spy School series * 
During winter vacation, Ben's been called up on a mission. He's been activated with a few friends from school. He's supposed to infiltrate a skiing group and befriend Jessica Shang. If he can get close to her, maybe we can figure out her father's secrets.

Jessica's father has rented out the entire hotel. The only way to get close to her is through a ski class. Since it's for beginners, it's lucky that Ben's never skied before. Jessica's father doesn't want anyone getting close to his daughter. He's always showing up at the worst time for Ben. Will Ben ever figure out his secrets?
My Thoughts: I really enjoy this series. I love the fact that Ben's friend from home followed him to the ski slopes and accidentally inserted himself in the mission. I can't wait to see what happens next between these two friends. I enjoyed the moments between Ben and Erica. I really liked how Erica wasn't great at skiing - as she is at everything else. It was kind of refreshing. Another fun addition to this action-packed series. 

Cover Thoughts: Fun
Source: Book sent for review
Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for your graphic novel collection!


Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm glad you're enjoying this series. I don't usually read graphic novels but this might be one I'd enjoy.

Kasey Giard said...

This looks like a really fun series! Thanks for sharing your review.

Jenni said...

We really enjoyed the Space series by this same author. This definitely looks intriguing!

Greg Pattridge said...

I've also enjoyed the Spy School series and can't wait to get to this one. Thanks for the heads-up and Happy MMGM!

Brenda said...

I have yet to read this series but have always been interested in it.