Monday, March 10, 2025

Middle Grade Graphic Novel: Wires Crossed


Mia's happy when her camp friend moves to town. She can't wait to hang out with him. But Tariq becomes super popular and Mia is not. Her best friend is friends with the popular crowd and is trying to mold Mia into a clone. Mia doesn't care about boys. 

Mia is more interested in the science Olympics. She's gathered a team and they've decided to build a snake robot. Mia starts hanging out with the other girl on her team. The popular kids think she's weird, but she and Mia hit it off.  Why is middle school so hard?
My Thoughts: This was a cute graphic novel filled with all the friendship drama. There's so much going on in middle school: popularity, crushes, and figuring out who you want to be. I loved watching Mia navigate through this all. I loved the robot building moments. I loved her family - even though they were weird. They embraced it. I love how everything turned out. 

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My library
Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for your school and public library 


Jenni said...

This sounds intriguing, especially with the robot competition. Friendship drama is such a part of this age. I'm sure a lot of kids will relate!

Valinora Troy said...

Science Olympics? That sounds fun! Middle school always sounds tough (we don't have it in Ireland so I am not sure what age the kids are - is it 11-14?). I like the sound of her family :). Thanks for sharing!

Natalie Aguirre said...

The robot building sounds interesting to me too. I'm glad you enjoyed this graphic novel. I wish I could get into graphic novels too.

Greg Pattridge said...

I used to judge in a Science Olympics type contest so this has me highly interested in the book. Thanks for featuring on this week's MMGM.

Beth said...

MG in USA age is 8-12 or 13.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Middle school drama never runs out. For Valinora's question up above--yes, about 11 or 12 to 14. It's an awkward age so we underscore that by putting the kids off in a space of their own to struggle through :D