Saturday, March 22, 2025

Graphic Novel: Detective Stanley and the Mystery at the Museum

* First in a new series *
Detective Stanely retired - yesterday. But a letter of importance was dropped in his mail slot as he was eating his pancakes. The letter asked for his help at the museum. He isn't sure if he should go, but somewhat reluctantly, he does.

When he arrives at the museum, everything is in chaos. Nothing goes according to plan, but he's not about to let that stop him from solving the case. 
My Thoughts: This Children's Graphic Novel was a so much fun - I appreciated it. I really liked Detective Stanley and his no-nonsense approach. I liked how the mystery played out. The illustrations are charming. I'm already looking forward to the next book in the series.

Although I confess, I would not eat pancakes cold!

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for your school and public library's graphic novel collection

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