Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Comfort Reads

 This week's topic is comfort reads. With America being a trash fire, my comfort reads these past few years have been romance books. Yes, they follow a formula (as do most books). Most importantly, they all have a happy ending. 

Which of course is very comforting!

Here are some recently read and highly recommended romance novels:




If you read these, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Bookstagram (6) In a New York Minute


This book had such a funny (but terrible if it happened to you) meet cute!

And of course, someone took pictures. Which obviously went viral. And now Franny and Hayes keep meeting - sometimes the moments are awkward and sometimes sweet. 

Did fate have a hand in their meeting?

* Book sent for review

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Picture Book Review: Friendship Books

Bunny is helping organize the Spring Fair but she decides to put up a message board for folks to ask for help, Soon she's so busy helping everyone that she barely has time for the fair. Luckily her friends have an idea.

Kindness and friendships are the key to this cute story. It's ok to ask for help and it's ok to receive help. 

Kitty is painting a portrait but things get a little messy. Luckily friendship makes it easy to be your messy no so perfect self together. 

A great message about not being perfect and just being yourself. Great illustrations. Another fantastic book from this winning author - illustrator team 

Friday, May 27, 2022

Booklist: Middle Grade Spies


I love the City Spies books - reviewed book 3 yesterday!

It got me thinking of all the other spy middle grade books I've enjoyed:

City Spies by James Ponti
H.I.V.E. by Mark Walden
Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz
Spy School by Stuart Gibbs
Bodyguard by Chris Bradford
Double Vision by Fleur Bradley
The Recruit by Robert Muchamore
SureFire by Jack Higgins 

Not Pictured:
Wig and the Window by Kristen Kittscher 
Playing with Fire by Bruce Hale
Alibi Junior High by Gregg Logsted
Great Greene Heist by Varian Johnson

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Review: Forbidden City


* Book 3 in the City Spies series *

After their last mission, the team is used to help turn a North Korean nuclear physicist. The man rarely leaves the country, but his son is an excellent chess player involved in a tournament, Luckily Paris is also great at chess. 

The team will use the tournament as a cover to make contact and turn the scientist. Unfortunately, they are not the only team interested in this man's abilities. And the other team isn't as nice - they aren't above kidnapping. 

Can the team complete the mission with all the curve balls thrown at them?
My Thoughts: Another great book in this series. I loved the chess angle and how the tournament split up the team. I liked the socialite angle - and especially her father. I enjoyed the birthday party and Sydney taking a undercover gig as a journalist for the family. I loved how the code needing to be broken was on social media. I loved watching Rio eat his way through the cities of Russia and China. I'm on the fence about Charlotte appearing and I hope that's fleshed out in the next book. Of course I can't wait for the next book to read more from my favorite spy family!

Cover Thoughts: Great
Source: My Library

Library Recommendation: A must have series for your school and public libraries.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Picture Book Review: Soup Day

The weather turned this week from humid to windy and it feels like a good day for soup:

On a snowy day, a mother and her daughter visit the store to buy ingredients for soup. Together they make the soup and play while it cooks. Finally, they eat together has a family once the girl's father comes home.

While on the surface this is a simple book, there's a lot packed into it. I love how concepts are introduced. I really love the mother and daughter playing together - and that they pick up afterwards. I love the illustrations and bright colors. It does make me want to make soup, which is perfect because there's a recipe in the back.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Middle Grade Books

 This week I'm changing the topic to upcoming middle grade books I'm looking forward to reading

Any of these on your list too?

Monday, May 23, 2022

Mini Review: Blackout


Six authors - six stories that connect about one night in New York City when the lights go out. 

It's a story about romance - second chances, moving on, and meeting new people. It's a story about friendship. It's a story about survival. 

And at the end, there's an epic block party. 
My Thoughts: I loved how the stories all came together at the end at the block party. I loved the romance and friendships. This was a fast and fun read.

Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for school and public libraries

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Board Books (17)


Just a few new board books for the library that I enjoyed!

It's never too early to start this conversation. This book helps talk about choices and explanations that will work with older toddlers very nicely.

Cars and Trucks - I love this series. This book shares all kinds of transportation vehicles - which means lots of great vocabulary words.

This song book has moving pieces (But they seem study enough for the library).  There are 4 stanzas to the song and lots of animals. This is a brightly colored and beautifully illustrated book. 

Nita's Day with baby signs - perfect to start communicating with your little one while they can't talk. This book has double sided tabs with signs that go along with the story.

Another favorite series - this one is all about bugs and love. The rhymes are great, and the illustrations are super cute! 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Picture Book Review: Knight Owl


Owl has a big dream - he dreams of becoming a knight. But can he become a knight with his size limitations?
A great book about making your big dreams come true, working hard, and taking advantage of your strengths. I loved the moments with the dragon and the pizza!  The illustrations are lovely. I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to share it with others.

Library recommendation: Highly Recommended for your school and public library

Friday, May 20, 2022

Movie Review: Along for the Ride

I'm a Huge fan of Sarah Dessen's books, so I was so happy when another one of her books was being turned into a movie. It's been a long time since I've read the book - but I loved it.

The movie captured the feeling of the book. 

I loved seeing Colby come to life. I wish there were a few Easter Eggs from other books though. Maybe there were and I missed them. I thought there was one.

I loved Sarah's cameo. But I would have missed it had they not said her name. 

I enjoyed the friendships - after that awkward meeting. Especially singing in the car.

The food fight was funny. 

Have you seen this one yet? What did you think? If this one does well, maybe they would film The Truth About Forever next! That's my favorite Dessen novel

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Review: GOAT Debate


The Greatest of All Time Debates - this book is really fun. But it's better to read it with someone so you can have a spirit debate. I do wonder if readers will know some of these people. Each pair is set up with a mini biography and then a mini debate. The book leaves it up to the reader to determine the winner.

Some of the winners are easier to choose than others. 

Pairs include: 
The Beatles vs The Rolling Stones 
Da Vinci vs Tesla
Eistein vs Marie Curie 

More topics include:
Chess players
Stunt Person
Video Game
TV Moment

What pair would you like to see go head to head?

Highly recommended for school and public libraries.
This could also be used as an ice breaker when going into classrooms. 

* Book sent for review

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Picture Book Wednesday: Yours in Books


This is my new favorite picture book and I chat about it on TikTok. Of course, there were things I forgot to mention...

This one is great for older readers - 1st and 2nd graders. They will appreciate the humor.  

Library Recommendation: A must have book for your school and public library collection!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm still Excited to read

 This week's topic is books I'm still excited to read. Do you have this problem? I imagine it's a problem that every book nerd has...we'll never have enough time to finish ALL the books. Honestly, most of the books I read are from the library. But there are ARCs and gifted books that I needed but still haven't read yet. 

A favorite author of mine

I was saving this book for a hike that was canceled...but now it's back on for this year.

I've had this one for years....

this one too

Purchased this trilogy last year - love this author

Bought this one last year too

This is several years old - I started it once and didn't finish - probably because a library book was over due...

bought this a few years back...need to dive in