Obsessed with your bookish stats like we are? Join us for the 3rd annual Statistics Survey! Posted from Brittany at Book Addicts Guide
This survey is more about checking out the facts and details behind what you read and not necessarily favorites and reflecting. Fill out and post whenever you like (my answers will be going up in late December or early January to get the full year in)! These statistics should all be for books that you read in 2016 (not books necessarily published in 2016). We have a linky at the bottom to link up your survey once it’s done! Hope you have fun!

- Number of books read…
- Under 250 pages (not including novellas): 468
- Over 500 pages: at least 1
- Over 1000 pages: 0
- Number of…
- Audiobooks: 0
- Re-reads: 8 (Harry Potter 1 and 2) (Mediator series)
- DNFs (did not finish): I don't count these...
- Number of books rated…
- Five Stars: 340
- One/Two Stars: 2 - I didn't have many - these would usually be DNFs for me
- Number of authors met in 2016: 3 at events.
- Number of book events attended in 2016: 6, which is low for me. (Robyn Carr, Natasha Friend, Chris Grabenstein, Kristan Higgins, and one with Sarah MacLean and Eloisa James) Although I did host the lovely Jenn McKinley at my library and that was amazing.
- Number of books that made you cry: I know of at least 3
- Number of 2017 books you have on pre-order: Many, but for the library

- Book read furthest away from home (vacation reads?): Christmas Ever After
- Book that took you the longest to read: Empire of Storms
- Book that you personally connected with the most: Meant to be by Lauren Morrill
- Book you read waaaay before it’s publication date: Unlikelies by Carrie Firestone (out next Spring)
- Book you read on your birthday: Christmas Ever After
- Book with a character who shares your name: No characters named Jen or Jennifer, but plenty of authors
- Book you borrowed from a friend a long time ago and still have: Princess Adacemy (Sorry Jess!)
- Book you which you could go back and read for the first time again: Throne of Glass
- Most books read by one author this year: Sarah Morgan - 5 books and 2 novellas

- Longest and shortest…
- By page number: Empire of Storms (693) and JK Rowling's Wizarding World (12)
- Best and worst…
- Books you read/your rating: 4.4 for the books I read this year
- First and last…
- Reads of 2016: First - Foreign Eclairs and Last - New York Christmas Fairy Tale
- Books on your bookcase (1st book on the top left and last book on the bottom right): Which one (ha!) - Breaking Sky and Trollope's Sense and Sensibility.
- Fandom you joined Sherlock

- Book you read that is red: Sleeping Beauty Killer
- Starts with X, Y, or Z: Zap! Nikola Tesla Takes Charge
- Book you hugged when you finished it: Where you'll Find Me
- Book you wanted to throw across a room: Diplomatic Immunity
- Book that became an instant go-to recommendation: Love, Lies and Spies
- Furthest out of your comfort zone: Dead House
- Read on a recommendation (that you may not have picked up yourself): Pie by Sarah Weeks
- Forced yourself to finish: Golden Boys
- Series or author’s works you binged (whether all at once or throughout the year): Re-read Mediator series to get ready for the new book

- First…
- Post of 2016: Happy New Year
- Review of 2016: Foreign Eclairs
- Last…
- Post of 2016: This one!
- Review of 2016: Best in Snow
- Number of posts in 2016: 362
- Number of reviews posted this year: Too many to count
- Post with the most views (posted in 2016): Summer Reading Ideas