Nastasya has lived forever or her century long life seems like forever. Lately, she’s been living like a spoilt celebrity with wild parties, crazy friends, and no consequences for her actions. Then one night, one act of cruelty combines with magic changes her life.
Freaked out, she runs from her world and goes into hiding. She remembers one woman’s offer for help years ago and seeks her out. Nastasya winds up at River’s Edge – a place for immortals to regain their humanity, to learn about the world, and to choose goodness.
At first Nastasya hates it. She hates the daily chores. She hates the schooling. She hates the positive outlook from the other immortals living there. Nastasya must stay until she comes to terms with her past. What turned her heart cold?
Soon, Nastasya realizes that not everyone has a positive outlook. Someone at River’s Edge really doesn’t like her and isn’t afraid to use dark magic on her.
Can Nastasya figure out her past and try to move forward with her life or will stay her spoilt charming self?
My Thoughts: It took me a little bit to get into the book, but soon I was hooked. I wanted to know about Nastasya’s past. I loved unraveling bits and pieces with her. I loved the forbidden romance. I loved the danger. I loved her sarcastic witty remarks. I loved how she tried to help others. So looking forward to reading Darkness Falls (out in early January)
Cover Thoughts: I love the circle - but the rest of the cover doesn't capture my interest.
Source: Read for TeensReadToo
It’s a hot July day and the crowd is starting to gather around the Cage. The court is on West 4th Street and everybody knows about it. The biggest and best basketball players in the city are here – playing their hearts out for a chance for fame. The spectators come to watch an amazing day of basketball.
My Thoughts: I love how the stories are so different yet blend perfectly together. I love the descriptions of basketball. Nine authors write short stories (sometimes in verse) where the world revolves around basketball. I love the different perspectives - some from the crowd and some from the players. I can visualize the entire day. My heart pounds in rhythm of the basketball dribbling.
Cover Thoughts: I really like it!If You Like… is a feature highlighting blogger recommendations for books, authors, TV shows, movies, and music based on the things you already know and love. This week’s post includes recommendations for books with a male point of view. If you think it’s hard to find books from a male perspective, you’re basically not looking very hard, but (thankfully) this week the IYL contributors have done the work for you.
Lily just learned the truth about her magical powers. She’s still having some trouble understanding them, not to mention controlling them. Still, evil doesn’t stop for a training period.
One night, on patrol, Lily, her BFF Scout, and others stumble upon a monster resembling a vampire. These monsters leave a massive slime trail. It’s not hard to discover the link from the monsters to the Reapers. The bigger question is why. Why are they creating monsters? What will they use them for?
While they begin to unravel the mystery, Lily gets help from an unexpected source – Sebastian. He helps her control her powers. He gives her clues to help their search and questions that she should be asking. Their relationship’s starting to heat up – despite the fact that Lily and Jason are becoming an item.
My Thoughts: I really like this series. I love the relationship between Lily and Scout. I love how Lily’s never satisfied with an answer and how she’s curious about everything. I love the magic, the danger, and the action.
Cover Thoughts: I love it! I love the color of magic lighting up the whole book
Source: Read for TeensReadToo