They arrive in New York minutes before Babe Ruth gets out of his car. Joey and his dad meet Babe Ruth. They him to sign baseballs, the eat dinner with him, and they ride the train to Chicago with him and the team.
Will they be able to accomplish their goal?
My Thoughts: I read this for our 4th and 5th grade book club. I didn't realize that it was part of a series. I hate reading books out of order and this is the third in the series. It's a stand alone title - although the other books were mentioned. I liked the time travel and how much history comes through. I love the idea of time traveling through baseball cards. I liked the historical photographs. I really liked Babe - he comes across as a unique complex character. Both history and baseball come alive in this one.
Cover Thoughts: I really like it.
Source: my Library
I have many books in this series but I haven't read them yet. I appreciate your review!!!
I have these at my library and they are great for younger sports fans!
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