I wish I thought of it....
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fire of Ares
Lysander finds out that he's half-Spartan. He meets his grandfather who insists that his grandson be live at the Spartan school - where all the boys are turned into warriors. However, he's an outcast at the school because of his mixed blood. Everyone hates him, except one boy. Outcasts together, they attempt to keep up with the other students and learn how to fight. Will Lysander ever be accepted? Or will he have to prove his worth the Spartan way?
First in a series and a great tale for anyone loving the ancient world. The battle and action scenes make this an easy sell for boy readers. Plus the cover's so inviting.
Here's the second cover:
Monday, April 27, 2009
Great Call of China
I LOVE the S.A.S.S. series, each is written in a different place with a different author. I confess, I look for each new one. This one was awesome - heart wrenching (I did shed some tears). I love the culture shock and the friendships formed. Plus the Wall scene REALLY made me want to do the same thing - great writing!
Check out the author Cynthea Liu's site for more details, including an awesome video.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Chatting with Jessica Burkhart (with a side of Friday Flair)

Where did you get the idea for Take the Reins? I thought about my dreams when I was in middle school. I'd always wanted to compete on an equestrian team with my friends. I moved a lot as a kid and I knew what being the new girl was like. I injected that into my equestrian story and Take the Reins came to life.
2. Where do you write best?
Definitely in the living room on the couch. Or on my bed.
3. Is there a topic you’ve always wanted to write about?
I’ve got a new tween series idea kicking around in my brain—I don’t want to spoil it, so I won’t share yet. But I’m also working on a couple of ideas for YA readers. They’re dark and gritty—very different from Canterwood.
Sounds interesting. Very Interesting.
I’m reading two ARCs right now that I won’t shut up about—Dani Noir by Nova Ren Suma and Devon Delaney Should Totally Know Better by Lauren Barnholdt. Both are *amazing* and they keep distracting me from work.
5. How do you get your ideas? Do you use real events in your novels and if so, can you describe one?

A real life event occurs in the first chapter of Take the Reins when Charm shies and gets loose at school. I had a horse bolt away from me at a stable once and run down the driveway. That’s terrifying!
6. Will there be more than eight Canterwood Crest novels?
The series is planned to stop at eight, but if there’s interest in more books, I’d absolutely love to write them. I adore my characters and could write 50 books about Canterwood. I’m so attached to the entire Canterwood world!
I hope there's more than eight, it's easy to become addicted to them. I read the first two in a weekend and immediately wanted Behind the Bit!
7. I’ve seen the covers on your website and they’re awesome, did you have any say in them?
I was lucky enough to be at both photo shoots for the covers. The fantastic group of people who worked on my covers encouraged my input and that was exciting. Photo shoots are sooo much fun and being able to watch your characters come to life is an amazing experience for a writer.
This one's my favorite.
That's awesome to be able to be a part of the shoot. I've heard that some authors don't have a say in their covers. Check out the covers here. (If you like reading about book cover's check out Melissa's blog for Cover Stories)
8. Are all the books written? If not, do you know plot points for all of them?
Nope, I’ve written five of the eight and only have a brief idea of where future books are going. I like to have a little spontaneity in the books and I’m never quite sure until I outline it how things are going to work out.
I bet that's both a lot of fun and a bit stressful at the same time.
9. How do you come up with your titles?
I’ve come up with a couple of titles, but the credit has to go to Editor K for most of them. She comes up with the best titles and when she asks my opinion, there’s never been one where I had to even think about it. They’re perfect for the series.
10. Name a celebrity, you’d love to have as a BFF
For a day, I’ve gotta go with R Pattz. (A guy can be a BFF, right?!)
Of Course! I have several - though they're not celebrities!
11. Listing if your favorites:
Type of shoe: boots
Candy: sour gummies
Pizza topping: toss up between cheese and pepperoni
Genre of books: contemporary
Singer and/or Song: JT
Restaurant: Southern Hospitality
TV show /Movie: Mean Girls
Color: Pink
Lip Gloss: anything sparkly
13. I hear you’re addicted to lip gloss. Is there a flavor that you wish someone would make?
Ooooh, fun question! Chocolate mousse would be awesome!
I'd use that! I'm addicted myself, but I think you have me beat!
14. What was it like to start college at 16?
Intense, but a great experience. It gave me what I needed to start my career early and I never regretted going to college at a younger age.
Here's a picture of Charm: Sasha Silver's horse
For more info check out Jessica's Blog and Canterwood's Website
Plus add flair:
Take the Reins: It took me a little bit to track down this book, but I was happy I did.
Sasha Silver is ready for more. She's enrolled in Canterwood Crest, a serious riding school. But in the first hour, she looses control of her frighten horse - causing an accidental spill. In doing so, she made her first enemy. Luckily, Sasha adores her roommate, Paige, who isn't involved in the equestrian side of school. Canterwood Crest is a huge step up from her previous riding experiences. Sasha hopes that she can live up to the school's reputation and her riding instructors expectations. After her first die, it's clear that Sasha can handle the riding portion of school. However, Heather's not used to sharing the spotlight. She senses competition from Sasha and it becomes her personal mission to take Sasha down. Sasha never dreamed she's have to deal with mean girls on top of challenging classes, long riding lessons, and competing to make the advance riding team. She's determined to come out on top, but first she has to go through Heather.
Chasing Blue:
Sasha's finally fitting in at Caterwood Crest. She wouldn't want to be anywhere else, especially since things are starting to heat up between her and Jacob. But could there be trouble in paradise? Heather's noticed Sasha's crush and she's doing everything possible to put doubts in Sasha's head. Sasha's trying to juggle her feelings for Jacob on top of dealing with Heather, a major horse competition, school work, and helping Paige win her dream of becoming a TV chef. There's only so much a girl can do. Plus the riding team starts working out in pairs; Sasha and Heather are assigned as one team. Could things get any worse? Will Sasha be focused enough on her riding skills to seriously compete in this competition or will her A game be thrown off by all her drama?
This series is a Saddle Club meets the Clique in a seriously fun and addicting read. Sasha could be your best friend: she's smart, but relaxing and knows how to have a good time. Plus she's determined and can hold her own against Heather. While she might not always like Heather (or her comments), she can sympathize with her. She's a great character that shows depth and wisdom.
DFTBA: what does it mean?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day:
Here's some tips from READERGIRLZ
Here some tips from I <3 Daily
have more tips- post them in the comments.
I just bought another tote bag today:

Book Meme
1. What author do you own the most books by?
Hmmm, a quick glance at my bookshelves reveals J.K. Rowling, Meg Cabot, and Janet Evanovich
None - all single copies
3. What fictional character are you secretly in love with?
Mr Darcy. Need I say more.
4. What book have you read more than any other?
Oh, that's a hard one. Emily of New Moon most likely
5. What was your favorite book when you were ten years old?
No idea. Seriously. But thinking....Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing.
6. What is the worst book you’ve read in the past year?
I've come to the conclusion that I need no longer to be compelled to read entire books that I hate. I just give up if it doesn't hook me. There's way to many good ones out there to waste my time.
7. What is the best book you’ve read in the past year?
God. This one's hard too. The Hunger Games, Graceling, Eon: Dragoneye Reborn, Purge, Map of the Known World, Sophomore Switch, Almost Astronauts, The Season, and Ransom My Heart
8. If you could tell everyone you tagged to read one book, what would it be?
A Game of Thrones
9. What is the most difficult book you’ve ever read?
James Joyce. Never understood a word he said.
10. Do you prefer the French or the Russians?
French. Loved Count of Monte Cristo - though I've always wanted to read War and Peace....
11. Shakespeare, Milton or Chaucer?
Austen. Hands down. But I do like Eliot too.
13. What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading?
Nonfiction/Boy books. I'm a girly girl - which isn't always best for my job.
14. What is your favorite novel?
Hard to say, but I'm going with Game of Thrones plus Pride and Prejudice.
Yes, I know they are completely different books.
15. Plays?
16. Poem?
If it's a novel in verse - sure. Sandell, Sones, Hopkins, Grover = all great.
17. Essay?
Not really.
Let Me Play, Almost Astronauts, Our Eleanor... plus crafty books.
Breaking Up and the Harlequin Pink series.
20. Science Fiction?
I get into trouble here because I classify Vamp books as SF. And they're to hard to choose from - loving Morganville Vampire, Blue Bloods, and Vampire Academy series.
So Generation Dead - non vampire
Song of Ice and Fire (1st book = Game of Thrones) Which is going be to a series on HBO - filming starts in October! (squeals with Glee)
23. Who is your favorite writer?
again, several - so I'm listing the top: George R.R. Martin, Jane Austen, Meg Cabot, J.K. Rowling, Janet Evanovich and L.M. Montgomery.
Just finished a book this morning (Gorgeous by Rachel Vail.)
25. Favorite Genre:
Teen books, chick lit, mysteries, craft books,and spy novels are all my faves
Monday, April 20, 2009
Gossip Girl Spinoff:
News about House of Night

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Sophomore Switch
The only problem – they’ve each already signed up for classes. So Natasha’s stuck taking feminist courses and Emily’s stuck learning about film. Neither of them fit in, until they lean on each other for a bit of advice. Both girls start to dress more appropriately, Natasha with preppy clothes and Emily with fewer layers. Slowly, things start to turn around for both girls.
Natasha embraces her classes and becomes determined to change people’s mind about her. She joins in the rally to save the Women’s Health Center. Emily learns how to relax and let go of her control freakiness.
Is the new found happiness about to come crashing down when their responsibilities resurface?
SOPHOMORE SWITCH is a great novel on several levels. It's a great tale of two girls switching lives and broadening their horizons and examining the question of feminism. The story especially delves deeply into the topic of what makes a feminist - can a girl have fun and still desire equality for women?
This book was reviewed for teensreadtoo.com where it achieved:

Plus, here's a book trailer too! Take a look:
Friday, April 17, 2009
Kiss of Life
Phoebe also feels guilty about Tommy. She knows he still has feelings for her, but she can't even wrap her head around her own emotions. All she knows is that she needs to be strong for Adam. When Tommy decides to leave and trek across the country educating people about zombies, Phoebe knows its for the best but she can't help feeling hurt by his actions. Can she find herself again and still be with Adam?
A love triangle becomes messy with 2 undead boys and one living girl, but it also equals a fabulous zombie romance. But there's much more to this book than romance. People are afraid of the undead and start attacking them. It's starting to happen in Oakville. Tensions are rising and it might be time for the Zombies to fight for their way of life - which makes for an interesting take on prejudice.
Dan Waters was featured in this month's SLJ (School Library Journal) in a freaky article "Blogging from Beyond the Grave". Find out how he does it....
Being Nikki: sneak peak
If you loved AIRHEAD and hated the cliff hanger ending, you're in luck. Meg Cabot posted a preview of the book which will be in stores May 5th. READ IT HERE
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Happy Teen Literature Day

How I love Teen Lit: Let me count the ways:
1. Vampires
2. Snarky Girls
3. Girls who Kick Butt
4. Spies
5. Demons
6. Witches
7. Historical Romance - esp in Jane Austen era
8. Realistic tales
9. Mysteries
10. Good vs. Evil
I know I could go on all day about teen lit and why I love it, but I'll just stop there. It boils down to, I have the best job in the world and people who work with teens ROCK! So chat up your friendly teen librarian today.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Bite Me:
Parker Blue creates a new vamp book with the kick-butt smart and snarky attitude of Buffy in Val and an awesome side-kick dog who can talk. It's perfect for teens craving more vampire books or those who love dark paranormal tales. And who can resist the title?
Interested? Read Chapter One
Morbid or awesome?

I can't decide...but I think I'm leaning more towards awesome.
* seen on bookshelves of doom
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy National Library Week

along with Rupert Giles from Buffy:
Monday, April 13, 2009
Highway to Hell: 5 stars
isn’t too far away, but it’s a town in the middle of nowhere – and it takes some time to get the parts required. While they wait, they discover that something’s not right in the town. Animals are dying…and not naturally. Legend surrounds the town of a creature in history that might be back.
For Maggie and Lisa, fighting demons isn’t new. They begin to investigate. However, not everyone takes kindly to their nosiness and not everyone is willing to talk. Things quickly get worse. Animals aren’t the only ones getting hurt. It’s time to take action, even if it means going against very important people in town. Can Maggie and Lisa survive another fight with demons?
HIGHWAY TO HELL continues the fight of Maggie against demons, with her fabulous sidekick Lisa and her trusty white knight, Justin. The once-again solid friendship between Maggie and Lisa fills the story with tension and humor. This is a fabulous supernatural series that will leave readers wanting more.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Map of the Known World: Gold Star
She doesn’t enter as an unknown, but as the sister of her dead brother. Everyone knew Nate, but not everyone liked him. Cora’s just trying to survive, but along the way her heart opens. She talks to her brother’s best friend, who was in the car that night, and things change. He shows her a side of her brother she didn’t know.
As you can see, I loved this book. I gave it the GOLD STAR award.

Plus, I made flair for it:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Rick Riordan

Last Friday, Jill (the Children's Librarian) and I went to an outing for librarians, where we got to see Rick Riordan! If you don't know who he is, he's the author of the Percy Jackson series plus the first author of the 39 Clues book: Maze of Bones. He also writes adult mysteries, which I need to get my hands on.
He gave a presentation that included several amusing stories:

This is the manuscript for his first novel. 14 seemed to be the magic number because that's both the number of drafts to make it into his manuscript and also the number of rejections before it found a home. Here's the cover art for that book - it's the first in an adult series.

He wrote this book because his son made him. It started after he told his son all the Greek mythology stories he knew. His son pestered him for more. When he said he didn't know any more, his son demanded that he make one up. Here's the first cover for the Lightning Thief. It didn't make the cut - too boring.
He sent in the Lighting Thief under a pseudonym for fear that his younger readers would find his adult series. That also changed. When he realized it would be a 5 book series, he knew that he had to give up teaching middle school. There was no way to write two books/year as it hard enough writing one while teaching.

Here we are together after he signed my book and t-shirt (never washing again)

Here he is with Jill
I also won a raffle which included: 2 play aways (giving to the library), one 39 Clues back pack (Will be a summer prize) and 2 copies of the first three Percy Jackson books all signed (Jill and I are each taking one and the rest will be prizes for the summer.)
I also have a picture of Rick posing with the 39 Clues book which I will be making into a READ poster shortly.
It was a great day! He's awesome - really nice and funny!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
10 Things I Hate About You

For Adults: we're showing the movie Shakespeare in Love on April 14th at 6 pm in the Community Room.
For 4th and 5th graders: we're hosting a Shakespeare Scavenger Hunt on Thursday the 16th from 1-2 (during school vacation week)
For Teens, we're showing the movie 10 Things I Hate About You ( based The Taming of the Shrew). This movie is also in the news, due to a remake from ABC Family. They'll be turning it into a series.
At the end of the month, we'll be ending our celebration with an author visit. Elise Broach, author of Nutmeg Nominee, Shakespeare's Secret will be speaking to families about her writing process and the mystery surrounding Shakespeare's Identity. She's coming on April 29th at 6:30.
Pride and Prejudice: The Graphic Novel
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Season
The Season is Sarah MacLean's first novel - and she's found her niche as she perfectly combines the romance of the Regency Era with a mystery. I'm already looking forward to her next book. I'm wishing that this book is part of a trilogy, each featuring the three friends and their pursuit of romance in society.
Interested? Check out the author's blog too.