Saturday, August 31, 2024
Book Tok: The Genius of Judy Blume
Friday, August 30, 2024
Book Tok Review: Heir Apparently
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@yabooknerdlibrarian The second book is out and its also amazing!!!! #booktok #bookcover #royal #prince #yabooks @Wednesday Books ♬ original sound - Jennifer @YA Book Nerd 📚📚📚
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Picture Book Wednesday: May's Brave Day
* Book sent for review
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Top Ten Tuesday: About Me
This week's topic is posts about me. I haven't done one of these in a while...
Monday, August 26, 2024
Middle Grade Review: Framed
Florian has just moved to Washington D.C. and finds a new friend in the neighborhood. He teaches his new friend Margaret TOAST (The theory of all small things). They use this theory to impress the FBI when paintings go missing at a museum. Can they solve the case?
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Friday, August 23, 2024
Review: Who Was Ernest Shackleton
Even as a boy, Ernest longed to be at sea. That never changed.
My Thoughts: I didn't know too much about Ernest Shackleton's life expect that he traveled to Antarctica. Now I know a little bit more. From the time he was young, he wished to be at sea. He didn't like school. He was a big competitor and wanted to make his mark on the world. He was brave, keeping his wits about him in the cold.
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: Another good addition to this must have series.
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Review: Bibsy Cross and the Bad Apple
Bibsy is in third grade and she's having a tough time. She always wants to share. Her teacher moves apples in the tree lower and lower if a child misbehaves. Bibsy's apple get quite low most days. So far, she's never gotten a hole punched in her apple. Everyone knows that means your rotten. But one day, that hole punch comes out. And she feels horrible.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Picture Book Wednesday: Dazzling Zelda
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Top Ten Tuesday: Book Characters
This week's topic is all about book characters. Here are books I would like to be a part of because of their characters - I want to be part of the team.
Monday, August 19, 2024
Author Interview: Gayle Foreman
Would you rather be flattered or told something in brutal honesty?
One of my favorite sayings is, “The truth will set you free but first it will make you miserable.” Maybe that’s why I don’t trust flattery as much as I do criticism? Though I do enjoy flattery, too.
It is so much easier to trust criticism.
What point in history would you like to live through?
That’s such a hard question because our understanding of historical times is so very limited because it’s all conjecture. I think I’d like to hopscotch through a bunch of eras, less to experience say the Jazz Age or Enlightenment than to test the hypothesis I’ve developed while writing books with historical elements that people are people are people, with similar desires and traits and flaws, no matter where and when they live.
I like the idea of going to different eras. I would love to travel to Regency England or Renaissance Italy.
What is a fond memory of your grandparent?
My grandparents all died by the time I was a teenager, and I deeply regret that I didn’t get to know them as fully-rounded people, which is maybe why I set my latest novel Not Nothing, in an assisted-living facility and chose a 107-year-old man to narrate it. The memories I do have tend to be small moments: having Shake-and-Bake chicken and Pepperidge Farm cake for Shabbat Dinner at my grandparents’ Hollywood apartment or the news clippings my grandmother would send to me.
Ha! My grandmother would cut out articles of my accomplishments. She created a photo album for me. Some of those are in there. It was very sweet. I had very fond memories of my grandparents.
What is your best thing you've accomplished?
My family first. Next is something I don’t talk about publicly, which is maybe what makes it the most profound. Sorry to be so vague but to quote Taylor Swift, “I’m only cryptic and Machiavellian because I care.”
Ha! You will tell everyone if the time is right. It's a very important question and makes me want to be a better person.
If you could interview anyone - who would it be and why?
My grandparents. I have befriended and interviewed several elderly people throughout the years—I think I’m drawn to old folks to fill my grandparent gap—and the stories they tell, the history they’ve lived through, blows my mind. But so does the realization that even though things were very different in, say, the 1930s or 1950s, the human experience was very much the same. I take comfort in that.
Yes! You capture this beautifully in the book!
Saturday, August 17, 2024
TikTok: Jane Austen's Emma
@yabooknerdlibrarian I was reading two Jane Austen inspired books 📚 #Emma #booktok #clueless #janeausten ♬ original sound - Jennifer @YA Book Nerd 📚📚📚
Friday, August 16, 2024
TikTok: Library Books
@yabooknerdlibrarian Do you ever just check out ALL of the books? I did. Take a look at them with me. Have you read any??? #newbooks #booktok #yabooks #teenbooks #romance ♬ original sound - Jennifer @YA Book Nerd 📚📚📚