Sunday, April 30, 2023

Picture Book Review: Phenomenal AOC


This picture book biography's tagline is: the roots and rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

My Thoughts: I really admire AOC, so I was super excited to have a picture book biography about her. I loved this book - from the brightly colored illustrations to sharing the idea that resources are not the same for everyone talking about how family comes first. The love how they explained grassroots and building up a support of everyday people and not big companies. I love how they shared that many people underestimated AOC her entire life, but that she works hard on proving them wrong.  I also love the lessons shared in the back of the book. This is one heck an inspiring read. 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Bookstagram: The Good Luck Cafe

This is the fourth book in the Somerset Lake saga. These books are super cute, set in a small town with great friendship. Each book is a different friend finding love. 

There are cute dogs, family drama, running for mayor, and a gossip blogger in this one. 

Don't miss out on this charming book - which would make a great Hallmark channel movie series. 


Friday, April 28, 2023

5 Things: Flying Horse


I read this horse book for review. I love horses - never grew out of that phase.

Here are 5 reasons, I enjoyed this one

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Picture Book Wednesday: Family Books


Just a few books about family.

Gigi isn't sure about her name. Gigi sounds too babish, Geraldine is hard for Ojiji to pronounce. She decides on a new name, but it's hard to remember when people call her something different. 

A sweet story about memories and family moments. Of course, I love the moments in the library and the ice cream shop. 

A little girl and her family go out for dim sum - it's a weekly tradition. 

There's a lot of love in this family gathering, lots of food, and sharing. It's an adorable sweet story. 

Nina's grandmothers live on the opposite sides of the world. When she travels to see them, she does different but the same things.

A great story about similarities and opposites. I love how each page spread is split between the two different places. Fantastic illustrations make this book one to pour over -together. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Horror Books

 This week's topic is audio books, but I can't listen to audio books because my mind wanders, and I miss things. So, I'm talking about horror books for kids instead. I'm not typically a fan of horror books, but there is one I'm waiting to read.

The One I'm Waiting to Read:

One of my favorite books from my childhood:

While You're Waiting for Matt's Book, Read These:


Monday, April 24, 2023

Blog Tour: Water

Welcome to the Water! Blog Tour & Giveaway!

  Welcome to the blog tour for Water! Why Every Drop Counts and How You Can Start Making Waves to Protect It. Did you know the water in your glass could be the same water the dinosaurs drank? Dive in for a week’s worth of interviews with fascinating “Water Warriors”, profiles on the latest H20-saving tech and learn incredible facts about Earth’s water, the challenges facing it, and how your actions can help defend this precious resource.

Sharing Secret Water Worlds:

A Q&A with “Water Warrior” and National Geographic Explorer, Jenny Adler

National Geographic Explorer Jenny Adler began her career as a marine biologist, studying the many organisms—both big and small—that live in the sea. But Jenny soon realized she wanted to do more than study the natural world; she wanted to share it and show it to people. She figured if she could communicate how cool these ecosystems are, people would begin to care about them and want to protect them! So that’s exactly what Jenny does. She uses her passion for underwater photography to introduce people to water worlds they might otherwise never see. One of these worlds is the Floridan aquifer. The Floridan aquifer stretches for more than 100,000 square miles (259,000 sq km) of the United States. It lies below all of Florida and parts of Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. The Floridan aquifer is a system of underground rock that is porous, meaning it has holes that water or air can pass through. As water trickles down from Earth’s surface, it is held underground in the limestone. The water in this rock, from tiny holes to huge passageways, make up the aquifer. And Jenny does something super special: She scuba dives and takes photos inside the aquifer’s underwater caves.

 How do you get into the aquifer? 
Florida’s springs are like a bowl of clear freshwater. Then, somewhere in a spring—usually at the bottom or the side—there will be this black hole. That’s the spring vent and that’s where the water flows up from the aquifer. It’s kind of like this opening to this underground labyrinth of caves, which is pretty cool. 

What inspired you to swim through that little hole and scuba dive in the aquifer? 
Springs are really beautiful to swim in and I was swimming in them in all my spare time. I was learning so much about them and the curiosity was killing me. I thought, there are openings at the bottom of all these springs—I want to know what’s in there, and I want to see what’s it’s like. 

So first you needed to become a certified cave diver and then you ventured into the aquifer. What is it like inside an aquifer? 
People always think that aquifers are really colorful and bright because in the photos there might be 10 or 15 lights lighting them up. But in reality, in the aquifers, it’s the most pitch-dark place you could ever imagine. It’s like going into a closet, shutting the door, and putting a blanket over your head. There are no stars, there’s no moon, there’s no light sneaking in from anywhere—it’s absolutely, completely dark. So, when you’re in there, you really start to focus on other things, like the sound of the bubbles from your regulator. 

What do you love about cave diving? 
When I’m diving, I’m completely hyper-focused on what I’m doing, and my body and my mind are relaxed. I feel distracted above water sometimes, but underwater, it’s very peaceful. You feel completely weight - less, and the water is so clear that you almost can’t really tell that you’re in the water, so it feels like you’re hovering in outer space. It’s an amazing feeling. 

What surprised you about the aquifer? 
The caves really vary in size. At one spot, you might have to squeeze through an area where you don’t think you’re going to fit, and then the cave will open up into a room that’s big enough to fit a Boeing 747. The caves will go from being huge to tiny and from rock that’s full of holes like Swiss cheese to rock that’s really smooth. As I experienced so many different parts of it, I started to understand how complex the world is beneath our feet. It’s really rewarding and also sort of mind-blowing. 

Are there fish and other living things in there? 
In the springs there is a ton of life, but once you enter the caves where it’s dark, there isn’t much that can survive there. But there are these cool cave crayfish and amphipods that live in the caves. Most of them are albino; they’re completely white, and they’ve adapted to live in the cave. 

How did swimming through the aquifer affect the way you think about how you use water? 
It made me realize how close we are to our water, and how crucial it is that we protect it. What we do at the surface has a huge impact on the water beneath our feet.


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  About Water! Why Every Drop Counts and

How You Can Start Making Waves to Protect It

(ages 8-12, Paperback, National Geographic Kids Books)

Did you know the water in your glass could be the same water the dinosaurs drank? Discover more incredible facts about Earth’s water, the challenges facing it, and how your actions can help defend this precious resource. No doubt about it, water is fascinating. It’s also essential. But our planet is facing some serious water problems: Drinkable water isn’t easily accessible to everyone, the demands for water around the globe are increasing while the supply is limited, and some human actions are causing disastrous ripple effects downstream for ecosystems and the animals that live in them. Fortunately, there is hope! And that’s where this book comes in. By learning the ins and outs of important water issues and making small but powerful changes in our daily life, we can help protect the water that connects us all on our beautiful blue planet. Features include:
  • What kids can do right now to combat climate change
  • How to make a water filter at home and other fun activities
  • How small changes in your daily routine can equal big water savings
  • Q&A's with "Water Warriors" from around the world
  • Special reports on "pulled-from-the-headlines" events that have recently impacted water and water supply, like the impact of war on water supply, the socio-economic implications of the water issues in Flint, MI, and how the residents of Cape Town South Africa pulled together to avoid "Day Zero."
Water! is a fascinating look at Earth’s water and a call to action to young readers to help safeguard it. 

About the Author: Lisa M. Gerry is a writer and reporter who began her career as an intern at National Geographic Traveler magazine. She has since authored numerous books for National Geographic Kids, including Puppy Love and several installments of the 100 Things to . . . series. She has also worked as a writer for Time, Forbes, and Business Insider.

Website | Twitter

  About the Expert Contributor:
SANDRA POSTEL (expert contributor) directs the Global Water Policy Project and is a National Geographic Explorer. She is a frequent lecturer, author, and consultant on global water issues, and in 2021, she won the prestigious Stockholm Water Prize, often described as the Nobel Prize for water. She is the author of Replenish: The Virtuous Cycle of Water and Prosperity; Pillar of Sand: Can the Irrigation Miracle Last?;and Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity, which appears in eight languages and was the basis for a PBS documentary.



Sunday, April 23, 2023

Picture Books: Bookish Books

Just a few books about books and libraries for National Library Week! 

Baker and Taylor are surprised to realize there are other libraries. So they decide to go on an adventure to NYPL - and see the cats there. But the cats are hard to find...

I did like the NY facts in this book - especially the library bits. A fun travel book about bookish loving cats...

A Good Night Moon story for the bookstore. 

A fun story about saying good night to the bookstore. I love the last page! 

Which book is going to be chosen for the bedtime read tonight?

This funny story made me chuckle. I loved the books battling each other - but also working together. 

A young girl is tired of winter and goes traveling through books to escape the gray. Each book takes her to a different location - until she is back home and cozy.

I love the last two pages and how everything is connected. A lovely story about the power of transportation through books. 

Oliver moves. While he doesn't have any friends yet, he does have his books to keep him company. He discovers a book from The Lost Library and sets out to return it. He asks his new neighbor for help and the two of them go on an adventure.

Oliver and Rosie travel through lands of books - I love the illustrations (especially the dragon). I love how Oliver made a friend because of books. Another fun read. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Picture Books: Earth Day (2)


Happy Earth Day!

Did you miss the other posts?
I have another picture book post and a board book post.

Here is another set of picture books perfect for today!

Four bug friends are looking for the perfect place to live. Each of them needs a little something different.  Will they ever find it?

This is a great storytime read for older kids - not too much text, bright colors, and great ending!

Before everyone had fun in the tree and under the tree, Nell finds a seed and takes care of it.

I love how the story changes times. It shares how the tree is loved today and also how the tree grows and with it - Nell's family. A sweet story about both nature and family.

This one talks about weather, but also about the science behind the weather. It's sort of a story and sort of a nonfiction book. The sky glows for many different reasons.

I love the science behind the weather: rainbows, solar eclipses, fireflies, and light for photography. There is a mini part about light pollution on the last page. 

*Book sent for review

This book is for older kiddos, but it's pretty cool so I'm including it. 
It shares information about the forest in terms of science, but also how different cultures use the forest, animals in the forest, and more. There are detailed pop-ups on every other page. 

** book sent for review

Friday, April 21, 2023

Movie Review: 80 for Brady

Four who friends watch the Patriots play and decide they should try to win superbowl tickets

This movie was funny. Lots of laughter here. 
Most of the movie was set during SuperBowl weekend.
There were some fun cameos in this one
Strong friendship
A little romance
Superstitions - in the very best sports way. 
A really fun sports movie that's mostly about friendship. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Picture Book Wednesday: Earth Day Books (1)


Earth Day is coming up, so here are some great picture books about climate control, saving our planet, and nature stories.

This is a repeating story with lovely bright colorful artwork that explains how the Earth is all connected and how we depend upon each other.

* Book was sent for review

This book counts from 1 to 10 showcasing how one person can make a difference, especially if more people join in. Then the numbers jump by 10s.  The artwork is bright and cheerful. It's very matter of fact about climate control. I love how it ends like it begins. I love how the book shows important people fighting now for climate change - and includes mini biographies in the back. I love how it shows how readers can start to make a difference. 

This book has limited text but showcases how a sunflower grows and dies. The end of the book shared the life cycle of the plant and talks about the parts of the plant. The simple text and bold artwork make this one an excellent choice for storytimes about flowers and gardening. 

Another climate book showcasing what we can do together to change the course of the planet's deterioration. This is test is simple - but it is science based. I love that it doesn't pull any punches, but it IS hopeful. It also has a section in the back to answer questions about climate change. 

Mary walked past and empty lot. A lightbulb went off and she created a plan on the spot.
The second book in this charming rhyming series is perfection. I love that Mery asked for help from both the community and her friends. I love the nursery rhyme references, the nook for books, and the added sign. 

** F&G sent for review

A family goes kayaking  - and sees creatures over and under the waves. An excellent book about the creatures in the ocean - there's an author's note with more information about all the creatures showcased. I love this series - it's informative and entertaining. 

There are moments in every animals life - that are in between. This gorgeous picture book of animal photographs shows just that. April Pulley Sayre's work speaks for itself and it's such a shame she died. Her works lend themselves to pouring over the photographs and maybe even trying to take a few photos yourself, 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023