Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday Update: books, tv, sneak peeks

which I started earlier in the week and was extremely hard to put down - very problematic when you're require to be at work
In an unlucky drawing, Katniss's sister is chosen, but Katniss volunteers to take her place. The other chosen one from district 12 is a boy Katniss owes a debt. He once threw her some burnt bread, when she and her family were in desperate times. Now they're training together. Katniss has been secretly hunting for years to feed her family, which gives her an edge when the talent judging begins.
These games are not just fatal - they're also entertainment. The contestants have sponsors based on their rate for survival. The sponsors can get them anything they need during the games. Katniss and Peeta know this, and they're starting to play a game to gain more favor points with the audience. But is the game turning into reality for one of them? And how will it help them in the long run, when they come face to face in the game? Who will be the ultimate winner?
I'd heard many people (mostly librarians) talking about this book - which prompted me to read it. And I'm ever so glad I did. It's amazing, one of my favorite books all year. I simply can't wait for the next one.

Another book I'm interested in reading. (comes out in June)

simply check out this snippet in hopes that it will last you to January.

while I'm interested in the ending, the last book disappointed me a bit. Still, I do want to find out what happens.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
One week Left
Saturday, November 22, 2008

I really liked the movie. I thought there were very witty parts (a few cheesy lines) and some good action. Mostly characterization fueled the plot line and the Bella-Edward romance. I really liked how Edward played hot and cold, his struggle to keep away from Bella. I liked Bella's clumsiness and her boldness. I thought Charlie was great and loved S. Meyer's cameo
I do wish the movie ended just like the book, with that huge cliff hanger. Also I wish there had been more interaction with the Cullens. Still, I'm looking forward to the next movie.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
National Bullying Prevention Awareness Week
13 Reasons Why
Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl
Autobiography of my Dead Brother
Beckoners: Carrie Mac
Body of Christopher Creed
Chocolate War
Double Dutch
Emako Blue
Football Genius
Freak the Mighty
Give the boy a gun
Going Nowhere Faster
Harry Potter
Just Listen
Kissing the Rain
Laugh Until You Cry
Mister Monday
Mother-Daughter Book Club
Raiders’ Night
Rhymes with Witches
Shattering glass
Sisters of Misery
Spell Book of Listen
Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian
The Clique
The decoding of Lana Morris
The Hangman’s Curse
The Other Ones
The Pack
The Skin I’m In
Totally Joe
Wednesday Wars
Whale Talk
What Happened to Lani Carver:
Meg Cabot's 7 books to movie news
How wicked is that? I'd see them ALL.
On the sales side, Bill Contardi has just closed a deal for film rights on Meg Cabot's All-American Girl series. (There are two books in the series, American Girl and Ready or Not, about a 15-year-old middle child named Samantha who lives in Washington, D.C.; Harper published and Laura Langlie is Cabot's lit agent.) Contardi sold rights to producers Joan Singleton (Because of Winn-Dixie) and Harry Winer (House Arrest) and the deal, it happens, is one of many on the film side for the prolific Cabot. With Girl, Cabot now has seven titles in various stages of production: How to Be Popular is at MTV; Avalon High is at the Disney Channel; The Mediator is with producer Julia Pistor; The Heather Wells Mysteries is at ABC Family, as is Jinx; and the Queen of Babble is with producer Jeff Sharp of Sharp Independent.

ps. If you're a Meg Cabot fan, check out her diary. I <3>
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Movie News
I CAN'T wait to see this movie.
In other news, there could be a new X-men movie
Josh Schwartz (of OC, Gossip Girl, and Chuck fame)
could be the writer and possible director
head here for more details
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Blue Bloods
The third book in the Blue Blood series reveals a stunning conclusion that will leave readers breathless for the next installment. While the love triangles still remain, they're no the main focus of the book. Instead, the mystery of the Silver Bloods comes to the forefront and everyone's a suspect. A deeply satisfying read.
The Raucous Royals: Test Your Royal Wits - Crack Codes, Solve Mysteries, and Deduce Which Royal Rumors Are True.
A fun and enjoyable read, testing readers knowledge of the royal families including several instances where there not enough evidence to support nor deny the rumors therefore leaving the decision up to the reader.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Spy Thrills

My husband and just watched this yesterday afternoon - and we both enjoyed it. It was a typical James Bond, very similar to the previous tale. Bond's not quite back to normal, very angry, and potentially motivated by revenge. When a rogue agent takes a stand against M, things get crazy and a little ugly. M and Bond aren't sure who to trust, but Bond vows to get to the bottom of the plot. He uncovers a man making deals with powerful governments across the globe and backing new government who will meet with his demands.
These new Bond movies are different than the previous movies. There's no talk about the gadgets from Q/R, there's not much banter between Bond and his many women, and there's tons of fast moving action, where it's difficult to tell what's really going on. All and all, it's a good thriller.

Smart, a new agent, passes his test at the right time. When their base is infiltrated and the agents' identities compromised, he's given the green light to go out into the field to catch the responsible party. One other agent (who recently had her face reconstructed) team up to kick some butt. While she's a season field agent, he's been at the desk. With her skills and his crazy luck, they just might be able to pull it together and catch those responsible.
Parts of this film were really funny and other parts just highlighted some of the ridiculousness of spy films.
I really enjoyed this novel: the danger, the elements of surprise, not knowing who the characters could trust. It's a great adventure tale and with a tag line of a series: the Danger Zone, I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.
ps. i loathe you
Just in case you're anxious for this one, check out the first chapter here.
Has anyone seen the movie yet?
I'm curious about it...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Book's I'm Greatly Anticipating

This list is just a sampling of books if no particular order.
Please be sure to add any you're anxiously awaiting too.
and lastly, these two books which I was lucky enough to read early
but thought them wonderful

in taking one last look at this list: I realize that I'm severely lacking in knowledge of upcoming "guy reads" So please share those as well
Stephenie Meyer Chats

and it's worth taking a look at.
Strange Question

I recently read (in the PW article on boys and reading thanks to Max) that Artemis Fowl is over. And I didn't know this. If fact, in reading the last book, I thought there were more to follow. Can anyone clear this matter up for me?
After some research I uncovered this:
Colfer has indicated on his blog that this may be the final installment in the series, and it is definitely the last Artemis Fowl book for at least three years as he concentrates on other projects.
But it doesn't really answer my question and the Time Paradox didn't seem like the series ended.
Thoughts on the matter?
I, for one, will be really sad if this is the case....
Friday, November 7, 2008
A book that's on my waiting list
but here's some fun facts about a series I LOVE!
You might remember I posted the winning video link here a few posts back,
here it is again if you missed it
From Random House's Spotlight Author:
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Photo © 2006 Dibzy.com |
Sarah from A to Z
A is for Aviva, my little sister, the inspiration for the Bras & Broomsticks series. No, unfortunately, not the witchcraft part. What inspired the story was the always complicated love, jealousy, and pride involved in a sister relationship. (Is it fair that my younger sister sports a larger bra size than I do? I think not.)
B is for biting my nails, an incredibly disgusting habit I’ve been trying to break since I was 10. Yes, I’ve tried that bad tasting “you’ll-never-bite-your-nails-again” polish, and yes, I did bite them again.
C is for Canada, the country I was born in, eh?
D is for divorce. My friends love pointing out that the main characters in all my books always have divorced parents. I’m thinking this has to do with my own parents separating when I was 12. Just a hunch.
E is for 11, the number of times I’ve moved in the last 15 years. These days I break into hives at the scent of packing tape.
F is for first person, the voice I use to write all my books. I’ve always preferred the confessional, intimate tone. You feel as if you’re reading someone’s diary. Not that I’ve ever read anyone else’s diary. OK, just once, but Aviva, you left it lying around under your mattress. Obviously, you meant for me to read it.
G is for Goonies, my all-time favorite movie. Hmm, I probably shouldn’t admit that. Yeah, um, it’s really Gone with the Wind.
H is for headgear, the orthodontic contraption I was forced to wear in the name of straight teeth when I was 12. Divorce and headgear? Poor 12-year-old me.
I is for the Internet, a.k.a. a writer’s best tool for procrastination. You’ve got mail! Amazon! Why haven’t I written anything in three hours?
J is for Judy. As in Judy Blume. Hers were the first books I read that made me laugh out loud and want to become a writer.
K is for karma, which I believed in way before I started watching My Name Is Earl. Like right after I read my sister’s diary, I dropped an encyclopedia on my big toe. OK, that didn’t really happen. But it could have.
L is for Lizzie Forshort, the novella I wrote when I was in grade three (that’s how we say it in Canada, not third grade. We also say “write tests” instead of “take tests,” use the washroom instead of the restroom, and enjoy fries, gravy, and cheese curds, which is known as poutine, and deep-fried sugar coated donut-like dessert called a beavertail. Anyway back to poor Lizzie.) My mom typed up my manuscript and sent it to Bantam Books. That is the (longer than I intended) story of my very first rejection letter.
M is for my mom, who no longer types up my stories, but is still the very first person to read everything I write.
N is for newcomball, the only sport I know how to play. It’s like volleyball, except you catch the ball before throwing it over the net. Now that I think about it, newcomball might not be a real sport, just a game taught to the unathletic girls at sleep-away camp.
O is for orange chicken, which is what my parents called carrots to trick me into eating them.
P is for pet. At the moment I have no pets, although I’d love to have a dog. I would name the dog Paige so that if I ever own a bookstore, I can call it Paige’s. The first pet I had was a turtle. My aunt and uncle bought it for me as a bat mitzvah gift. I was enamored. My parents were not. They took it for a walk and claimed it ran away. I believed them.
Q is for Queenstown, New Zealand, where my husband proposed in 2003. We’d started dating in 1994 when we were 17, so in my opinion it was about time.
R is for Ramona and Her Father, the first chapter book I ever read. I remember being disappointed that there weren’t balloons and smiley pages when I got to page 100. I mean, hello? Page 100? That’s cause for celebration.
S is for scuba diving, an awesome activity. S is also for the sharks I saw when I was scuba diving. Less awesome.
T is for 24, the age I was when my first novel, Milkrun, was published.
U is for unpronounceable, which is what you probably thought when you first saw my last name. Don’t worry, I can’t pronounce it either.
V is for very lucky, which is how I feel that I’m a novelist. Not only do I get to make up stories all day, but I get to wear my pajamas to work.
W is for wishes. Here are my top three wishes if I had magical powers à la Miri in Bras & Broomsticks: World peace, a cure for cancer, and naturally straight hair.
X is for xxx, which is how I sign most of my e-mails. Though sometimes I use instead. Or “All best” when I’m trying to appear professional.
Y is for Yew Nork, which was how I referred to New York until I was seven. On top of that, I pronounced my Rs as Ws. Good thing I had speech therapy, or these days I’d be calling Yew Nawk, Yew Nawk, home.
Z is for Zed, which is how I was taught to say the last letter of the alphabet in the country I’m from. If you’ve already forgotten where that is, no beavertail for you, missy.