Sunday, February 16, 2025

Picture Book Biographies: Books for Black History Month (And all year)

Here are a few picture book biographies perfect for Black History Month and the rest of the year.

Ida B. Wells learned from her parents to stand up for what's right. She stood up for many causes, including the right for women to vote. Ida B. Wells didn't care what other people thought; she marched in the parade despite racism comments from the organizers. Sadly, she died before Women of Color were allowed to vote. 

This is a great biography that talks about racism, standing up for what's right, and getting the job done.

If you had an instant to make a tough choice that would change your life forever, what would you choose? Teenage Claudette Colvin chose to fight back against racial injustice. But it didn't change her life the way that she hoped. Her classmates made fun of her. She wasn't looked on as a hero - not like Rosa Parks, who did the same thing months later. But that wasn't the end of her time in the spotlight. 

I'm impressed at the choice Claudette Colvin made as a teenager. It was impressive. This story is put forth in an easy manner with a lot of meat to the story. I loved the line: "...I took two stands for justice. And I would do it again." The last illustration is very powerful; the illustrations are gorgeous in this book. 

The author's note is fascinating

* book sent for review
** this is a must have book for all libraries

One little almost doesn't tell his family about a potluck at school because he doesn't want to be different.

This is a wonderful book. His grandfather teaches him about food from Africa and that learning about food is a way to connect everyone. I love this message. Kofi begins to understand that his culture is something to be proud of and to share. There is a recipe to share. 

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