Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Characters

 This week's topic is all about book characters. Here are books I would like to be a part of because of their characters - I want to be part of the team.

Solve Mysteries with Sophie and Nina

Be one of the City Spies

Be part of the library team

Work at Torte

Be friends and colleagues with Enola

be friends with Mia

Hike with Jo (but a day hike)

be part of the town

Be Lady Georgiana's friend

be a rider at Saddlehill Academy

Be part of the Pinecone Coven

Have you read any of these books?


crackercrumblife said...

I love your list, and how you want to be part of the whole scene and book itself. My list is sort of similar. I still need to read The Spellshop!

Lydia said...

I like day hikes, too. But let me go back to a soft bed, hot water, wifi, and air conditioning by bedtime. Haha.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

Susan said...

Fun list! I've read the first Enola Holmes book, but that's it from your list. I do love Enola, though. She's a great character.

Happy TTT!

Theaterwriter said...

I love how you took this post. Here is my post https://paigesofnovels.com/2024/08/20/top-ten-tuesday-11-favorite-books-with-romance-ive-read-this-year/

Pam @ Read! Bake! Create! said...

I love your take on this week's topic. Occassionaly, I find myself wondering would it would be like to visit a town or school or whatever in a book I'm reading. I think that's part of what makes books so magical.
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

Poinsettia said...

What a fun list! I've seen the Enola Holmes movies, but not read the books yet. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

Lauren Stoolfire said...

Yes, that would be so cool to be friends and colleagues with Enola!