Monday, July 31, 2017

Review: Coming Up For Air

* Last book in the Hundred Oaks series *
Swimming has been Maggie's focus for as long as she can remember. She spends her days swimming, eating, and sleeping. Then does it all over again the next day.  She's hoping to make the Olympic team one day.

Because of her goal, she hasn't lived the normal high school life. She hangs out with her friends at least once a week for a night out - food and laughter. But she's missed out on having boyfriends.

Now she after an incident at a party, she doesn't want to be embarrassed by her lack of experience with guys. So she asks her best friend and fellow swimmer for lessons on hooking up - which could be the best thing that ever happened to her or a complete disaster.

My Thoughts: I really love this series and I'm sad that it's over because I would keep reading it forever. But I do love how it ended, especially with the epilogue. I loved seeing favorite characters and knowing what's happened to them since we left them last.

I loved this friends to lovers story. And I love how focused both Levi and Maggie were on their swimming goals. Of course I love how much Maggie had to eat all the time. I loved their moments together and their conversations. I love how supportive they were of each other during their swim meets. 

I'm eager to read whatever Miranda Kenneally writes next. 

Cover Thoughts: Love it!
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: Get this series for your library! Strong female characters with amazing sports skills, great friendship, and of course romance. 

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Adult Review: New York Actually

* Book 4 in the From Manhattan with Love series * 
While walking in the park with her beloved dalmatian, Molly meets Daniel. He's walking his borrowed dog in hopes of chatting her up.

They couldn't be more different. She writes a relationship advice blog and he's a divorce attorney. They chat about life. He asks her for a date, but she turns him down.

Finally he brings coffee to the park and starts breaking down her walls. Could their differences bring them together?
My Thoughts: I adore this series! And this one starts with a new set of siblings with a troubled past. I loved learning more about the twins. I can't wait to read their stories. 

I love the dogs in this book - they steal the book at times. I love the slow burn of the romance between Molly and Daniel. And how their pasts color their present views and their jobs. Another charming read from Sarah Morgan! I didn't want to put this book down. 

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: This series is perfect for public libraries! Highly recommended.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Upcoming Review: The Great Shelby Holmes Meets Her Match

 * Book 2 in the Shelby Holmes series * 
It's a new school year and John is a bit nervous. As Shelby and John walk down the hallway, Shelby mentions everyone's summer failures from her observations. When they meet the new teacher, Shelby realizes that he's acting suspicious.

Upon digging deeper, Shelby and John uncover his secret. He's being blackmailed. About Shelby. Shelby can't wait to uncover the truth. The case leads her and John to her old school where one girl takes responsibility.

But that girl is also one step ahead of Shelby and John the entire time. Has Shelby finally met her match or will she and John save the day once again?
My Thoughts: I really liked this book. I loved seeing these characters again. They're super great - smart, nice, and entertaining. I like how they balance each other out. I enjoyed the first day of school an Shelby knowing everything about everyone. I liked how she knew something was off with the new teacher. I enjoyed the case - and the one-upmanship. I felt bad for John's mother and how she was left in the dark. I loved Shelby's attempt at friendship and how she feels it's exhausting. She's right; it can be. Another solid case that leaves me excited for more Shelby Holmes adventures. 

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: BEA (Signed copy)
Release Date: September 12, 2017
Library Recommendation: Perfect for both middle school and public libraries - highly recommended. 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Graphic Novel Review: Real Friends

Shannon's best friend moved away. While she found a new best friend, it just wasn't the same. When Adrienne moves back, Shannon couldn't be happier. Everything will be back to normal.

Except it isn't. Adrienne's happy to be friends with Shannon, but she wants to hang out with other girls too. She becomes friends with the popular girls. Shannon joins them, but the popular girls don't seem to like her as much. And they are sometimes mean.

Shannon wishes they could break away from the group. But then she might have no friends. Is having no friends worse than having mean friends?
My Thoughts: A hard book to read, but I devoured it. It's hard to read because it's true and it hits home. Middle school is the worst for friendship and figuring out life. Girls are mean. You're insecure. It's just a cycle. I really liked this book and how it ended. It should be required reading for all middle schoolers because it's that good and that important. 

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Librarian Recommendation: Buy this one immediately. And give it to everyone!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Hallmark Movies

This week is another freebie. I'm a sucker for Hallmark channel movies, especially the Christmas ones. But also I love it when they turn a favorite book into a show or series. Would you watch these? Let's try to make this happen!
meme from The Broke and the Bookish 
About a Dog by Jenn McKinlay
Bluff Point series or just for their wedding movies in June

Exclusively Yours by Shannon Stacey
Large family - lots of laughs. Could be one movie or a movie on each of the books

Simply Irresistible (Lucky Harbor, #1)
Lucky Harbor - a series

The Best Man (Blue Heron, #1)
A series for sure!

Sprinkle with Murder (Cupcake Bakery Mystery, #1)
A movie with series potential

Sleepless in Manhattan (From Manhattan with Love, #1)
A movie with series potential 

Snowfall on Haven Point (Haven Point, #5)
Could be a series or just a Christmas movie

The Diva Runs Out of Thyme (A Domestic Diva Mystery, #1)
Could be a series or just a Thanksgiving movie

Engaged in Murder (Perfect Proposals #1)
Another good wedding ones

An Appetite for Murder (Key West Food Critic Mystery, #1)
A fun movie with series potential 

It's YA but gymnastics and would appeal 
The Flip Side

Monday, July 24, 2017

Blog Tour: Royal Crush

Author: Meg Cabot
Pub. Date: August 1, 2017
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Pages: 192
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook

Being the newest princess of Genovia is WAY more complicated than she expected, but Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison is getting used to it. She gets to live in an actual palace with two fabulous poodles, a pet iguana, her very own pony, and, best of all, a loving family to help her figure things out!

And right now Olivia, having finally admitted that she likes Prince Khalil as more than just a friend, could REALLY use some advice. What is a princess supposed to do once she's found a prince she likes? With her half-sister Mia busy enjoying her honeymoon, Olivia turns to Grandmere for help.

The third book in the middle-grade Princess Diaries spin-off series, written and illustrated by New York Times-bestselling author Meg Cabot.
 My Thoughts: I really adored this book, as I did the previous two books.  Cute illustrations too! I love seeing characters from the Princess Diaries books. I love how similar Olivia is to Mia and also how different she is. They both want everyone to like them. I like how Olivia also has a nemesis  and how she deals with her.  I like her interactions with Prince Khalil. I liked the bet she made with her best friend regarding Mia's baby names (even if it didn't work out the way she expected). I adored Grandmere as a chaperone, especially the Tupac scene. I loved the pop culture references. Olivia has a good heart and she wants to spread kindness, which is admirable. Excited to see what happens to her next!

Cover Thoughts: Love it!
Source: book sent for review
Library Recommendation: Get this one for your library! 

About Meg:
Meg Cabot is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of books for both adults and tweens/teens. There have been over 25 million copies of Meg’s nearly 80 published books sold in 38 countries. Her last name rhymes with habit, as in “her books can be habit forming.” She currently lives in Key West, Florida with her husband and various cats.

Follow the Tour:
Week One:
7/24/2017- YA Book NerdReview
7/25/2017- BibliobakesReview
7/26/2017- Margie's Must ReadsReview
7/27/2017- Never Too Many To ReadReview
7/28/2017- The Autumn BookshelfReview

Week Two:
7/31/2017- Little Miss Drama QueenReview
8/1/2017- The Book NutReview
8/2/2017- Becky on BooksReview
8/3/2017- Pervy Ladies BooksReview
8/4/2017- YA Books CentralSpotlight

 Giveaway Details:
3 winners will receive a finished copy of ROYAL CRUSH, US Only.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Puppy Update

Some more puppy pictures for you. She's Growing! 

Still likes to share a bed

Eating her first custard

Which toy to choose?

Tuckered out

Sleeping funny

Friday, July 21, 2017

In My Shop: Christmas in July

It's Christmas in July at my shop, you can order a few things ahead of time.

Don't forget to use coupon code BOOKNERD17 for a small discount.

These are just a few. I have more ornaments up, so take a look. Plus of my other items make great gifts too! 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Review: Lights, Camera, Middle School!

Now in middle school, Babymouse joins the film club. She wants a shot at being famous. The club will be making a film. But the club can't decide on what type of movie to make: romance, drama, or detective. Babymouse wants to combine them all and make an epic film.

For her contribution in getting everyone on board, the club adviser awards her the role of Director. Plus since it's her vision, Babeymouse gets to write the screenplay.

Excited about the prospect, Babymouse goes hog wild creating her vision. But she forgot to think about what her vision will mean for everyone else. Can they really shoot a scene in Paris? What about those elephants? How big is their moving making budget anyways?
My Thoughts: Alternating between text and graphic novel panels, Babymouse hasn't changed much. Sure she's older, but she's the still lovable mouse who has problems with her whiskers, trouble with her locker, and gets carried away. I loved watching Babymouse struggle to figure out how to make the movie. I love how her friends and club members took their roles seriously. Of course Babymouse lets her power go to her head, but it's funny and sweet when it all works out. I adore Babymouse and can't wait to read more about her middle school drama.

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: Book sent for review
Library Recommendation: Scoop this one up, your readers will thank you. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Great British Baking Show

For the past two weeks, I've fallen down the rabbit hole of The Great British Baking Show (seasons 2 and 3). And it makes me want to bake...Everything.

It also makes me realize I could never be a baker on the show. And here's why:

I'm a traditional baker
 I don't play around and experiment with baking
When I do change a recipes, it's mostly because of spices I don't like
 I don't make up my own recipes
 I don't recognize many of the desserts they make
 I would lose it under that intense pressure
 They shoot the show in Britain (different measuring system)
I wouldn't want baking not to be fun anymore
I don't think I could handle Paul's criticism 

Clearly I wouldn't measure up, but it's fun to think about. 

But now I'm also critical of baking - in a Paul and Mary sort of way. But only just for fun.

Here's my most recent bake:

Blueberry Buckle:

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Adult books for 2017 (So far)

This week is another freebie week, so I thought I'd continue with my lists of best books I've read so far this year. This week it's adult fiction. Enjoy!
meme from The Broke and the Bookish 

New York, Actually by Sarah MorganExclusively Yours by Shannon StaceyDawn Study by Maria V. Snyder
Caramel Crush by Jenn McKinlayAssault & Beret by Jenn McKinlayFudge and Jury by Ellie Alexander
The Hero by Donna GrantAbout a Dog by Jenn McKinlayAccidentally on Purpose by Jill Shalvis
Instant Attraction by Jill ShalvisLady Claire Is All That by Maya Rodale

Monday, July 17, 2017

Review: Once and For All

Louna's mom owns a wedding planning business with her best friend. Louna's seen it all - couples that won't last, couples that argue over the silliest things, and couples that just might stand a chance. Combined with that knowledge and the fact that Louna's first love ended in tragedy, she's not sure she believes in love.

When the annoying brother of a bride Ambrose worms his way into the planning business, Louna isn't thrilled. Ambrose, a serial dater, flirts with everyone.

The two of them come up with a bet. Louna needs to go on lots of first dates, but only first dates while Ambrose needs to date only one girl for seven weeks. Both of them think it will be easy - but both are wrong.
My Thoughts: I adore Sarah Dessen books and this one was amazingly good. I love few easter eggs I saw and I'm sure there are more that I missed. I liked the banter between Ambrose and Louna. I loved William and the dog. Both of them added humor to the story. I liked learning more about Louna's first great love and how that changed her. I loved the terrible first dates. I loved the writing, there were many spots where I went back to re-read the sentences because they packed a punch both in sentiment and in craft. Another winner from Sarah Dessen.

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Fun Fact: My boss got me a signed copy at ALA!
Library Recommendation: Buy this one for all libraries. It's a must have. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

YA Stands For

This is #IReadYA week 

I've written about my love for YA several times. You can read them here.

But this year feels different to me. Maybe it's all the talk about diversity in the field or maybe it's all the terrible political news.  

I really thought there would be the first woman President in the White House this year. And because of that, my reading shifted a bit. I've gravitated towards feminist reads. Here's a few favorites from past years.

Girls who rescue themselves
Girls who save the world
Girls who kick ass

I read these books. I buy them for the library collection. I talk about them online. And I try to put them into the hands of other readers. Because it IS important. It's something that I can do. With enough females acknowledging our powers, we Can change the world.  

And I look for authors with similar values. I don't have to look too far. 

Twitter has become so much more political in this last year. There used to be a time when authors didn't talk politics. That's no longer possible. With this country in a downward spiral, I'm happy authors are voicing their opinions and sharing tips to try to change our world.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

On Your Radar: (8)

Title: All's Faire in Middle School
Author:  Victoria Jamieson
Publisher: Dial Books
Publication Date: September 5, 2017

Why it Should be on Your Radar:
* Homeschooling switch to middle school
* Renaissance Fair
* Bullying
* Friendship
* Siblings
* Finding your family/friends
* Being comfortable in your own skin
* Admitting when you're wrong

I Loved this book. I was so happy to get an ARC in the mail because I adored Roller Girl. I loved how this one showcased the Renaissance Faire - it's not something you see much in Middle Grade or YA books. Another winner from Victoria Jamieson. Can't wait to see what she creates next!