
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A-Z of Me

Nicole at Word For Teens did this and as I was reading it, I found myself playing along. So here we go....

31 but soon to be 32 -in less than a month

Bed Size: Double but really need to upgrade because of my puppy who is a bed hog.

Chore that you hate: Trash - Chris does that

Dogs: A mutt named Cabot who's adorable.

Essential start to your day: Breakfast!

Favorite colors: Pink and purple

Gold or silver: Silver!

Height: 5'8''

Instruments you play: Once upon the time a flute - but I was crap at it.

Job title: YA Librarian - best job EVER

Kids: nope.

Live: in a cute house in Norwich, CT

Overnight hospital stays: None. I hate hospitals.

Pet peeves: people who don't think logically, those who want to cut library funding, those who don't use the library

Quote from a movie: "Welcome to the party, Pal."

Right or left-handed: Left.

Siblings: One older sister who is moving close to me very soon and I can't wait

Time you wake up: 7 if I'm working the morning shift, usually 8 if I'm not and the puppy allows me to sleep in.

Underwear: Given

Vegetable you hate: pretty much all of them

What makes you run late: Reading just a few more pages

X-Rays you've had: Teeth

Yummy food that you make: Desserts / calzones

Zoo animal: Elephants / Giraffes

Review: Daughters Join the party

Emma, the last to know anything in her family, learns that her father will be running for President - on the day she gets kicked out of her boarding school. She was attending a summer session, but now her parents are scrambling to find her a school for the fall.

Her parents force her to attend the same school as her overachiever perfect brother - Remington. He's the golden boy of the family and the school.

Emma feels out of place next to him. Her family views her as a screw-up. She can't seem to do anything right. Luckily at school, she hangs out with Lizzie who introduces her to Hudson and Carina.

The three girls welcome Emma with open arms. Can Emma change people's opinion of her?

My Thoughts: I LOVED this series and I'm sad that this is the last book. I loved Emma's story. I loved her spunk, her outspokenness, and her daring attitude. I loved her determination and her spirit. I loved the romance, drama, and strong friendships in this series. I can't wait to read what Joanna Philbin writes next!

Cover Thoughts: Adorable - I love these covers and how they pop.

Source: My Library

Joanna Philbin came to RJ Julia's - a great independent bookstore not too far in CT. Here we are:

And here's the READ poster I made:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Debut Author Challenge 2012

This is my second year participating in this challenge.

Here are some of the books I'm looking forward to reading:

Born Wicked : great cover - I love stories about witches. Plus there's banned books, tea parties, and a forbidden romance.
Gathering Storm: great cover with glittering balls, raising the dead, and a the choice between two boys.
Queen of Glass: No cover yet on goodreads and not much description - but a key word of assassin
Ditched: I really like prom books and this one look very different
Spies and Prejudice: the combination of Veronica Mars and Jane Austen sounds awesome
Pretty Crooked: Modern day Robin Hood with romance
What She Left Behind: family drama, a missing mom, and a big mystery
Seeing Cinderella: Magic glasses change the way Callie looks at the world
Cross my Heart: The death of her sister forces Laura into a different life - where things aren't what they seem.
Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters: Looks awesome! Kelsey 's starting high school and she's determined to have a lucky year - however things don't go according to plan.
The Selection: America wins the chance to capture the Prince's heart - even though she has a secret boyfriend back home.
Reunited: Love the road trip idea with three girls who used to be best friend

Tween Tuesday Review: Stonekeeper

Emily and her family move to her grandfather's house after her father dies. She's never met her grandfather and his house has been long neglected.

They need to work on getting it ready to live in. While cleaning, Emily finds an amulet necklace. She immediately puts it on.

One night, they hear noises. When their mother goes to inspect the noise, she disappears through a door in the basement.

Emily and her brother don't want to lose her too, so they both enter the door...and are transported to a strange world. How far will Emily and her brother go to rescue their mother?

My Thoughts: An interesting and entertaining start to a graphic novel series. I kept seeing this book pop up on various blogs and wanted to see what the fuss was all about. It was a fun read with great illustrations. It leaves you hanging for the next book. I know several tweens who will gobble it up.

Cover Thoughts: I like it - it's mysterious!

Source: My library

Monday, November 28, 2011

2011 Debut Challenge: Wrap- Up

For the first time, I joined the debut author challenge.

Here are the books I've read from debut YA authors this year:

I might have read more and I know I didn't read all the ones I listed for the challenge. Still, participating in the challenge made me more aware of debut authors, which was great!

If You Like....Stepfamily stories

If You Like… is a feature highlighting blogger recommendations for books, authors, TV shows, movies, and music based on the things you already know and love. This week’s post includes recommendations for stories about stepfamilies.

Check out these stories, you might like…

Friday, November 25, 2011

Review: Faerie Ring

Tiki and her family of orphans have been living in a secret room near Charing Cross Station. They make their living picking pockets in Victorian England. Lately their luck hasn't been too good.

Tiki has a bit of luck one night when she arrives at a mansion. After stealing a bit of food from the kitchen, she ventures into the library by mistake. There she finds a ring set in gold with a large ruby. The ruby flickers and almost calls to her.

Tiki takes the ring and hides it.

Little does she realize that the ring is actually a symbol between the Queen and the fey. As long as the ring is protected, the truce remains between them remains. However, if something happens to the ring, all bets are off.

The fey don't want to the ring to resurface while Tiki wants nothing more to get of the ring, once she collects the reward. She can't think of anything except a better life for her and her family. But will her greed create havoc for humans?

My Thoughts: I Loved this book! I loved the setting, the magic, the twists, and the romance. I loved the parts with the royals. I loved the street setting and the glittering ballgowns. I love Rieker. A wonderful debut novel and I'm so happy it's the start of a new series. I can't wait to read more about Tiki.

Cover Thoughts: I love the focus on the ring

Source: My Library

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you and your family and Happy and Health Thanksgiving. May it be filled with good food, family and friends, love, and a good book to read

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Review: Cleopatra Confesses

Cleopatra knows that she could become a great ruler - someday. Right now, she's busy learning about her country with her tutors. She's also learning how to rule from her father. All of the lessons are not positive.

In fact, before too long, the people have turned against their pharaoh. Cleopatra's sisters decide to rule jointly. Cleopatra learns to watch her step and her tongue. She's determined to give her sisters nothing to cause them worry about her behavior.

She sticks to her studies and learns from the mistakes her family makes. Will she be able to one day fulfill the destiny she sees for herself?

My Thoughts: The childhood of Cleopatra comes to life as she deals with growing up, betrayal, family drama, and deadly sisters. I really enjoyed reading about her family life and the stress and struggles before ruling.

Cover Thoughts: LOVE the cover!

Source: My Library

Similar Read: Spinx's Princess

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tween Tuesday Review: Dragon Flight

Creel and Marta are busy making Lady Isla's wedding gown - for her upcoming marriage to Prince Milun. Right in the middle of a fitting, Creel receives a note that Citatie has declared war.

The entire Citatie army is riding dragons.

Immediately Creel leaves for the palace where she volunteers to leading a scouting party into Citatie to spy on the other dragons. She hopes to gain information and bring it back to her King.

As Creel is the expert on dragons, it makes sense that she leads the party. The King finally agrees to her plan with the condition that his son's former bodyguard accompany her.

When they arrive in Citatie, Creel's horrified at what she discovers. They have a dragon army. They are breeding dragons. They are controlling dragons with alchemy. Creel's not sure she can stop this army. She hopes beyond hope that it doesn't come down to a dragon fight. After the last fight, she's not sure her friends will survive.

My Thoughts: The sequel to Dragon Slippers I love the bits about sewing (even though I can't sew well). I love the romance between Creel and Prince Luka. I love Marta. I love the dragons. I really just love this trilogy. I can't wait to read the conclusion.

In the acknowledgements, the author mentions how she never meant to write this book. Dragon Slippers was supposed to be a stand alone title, but her editor and her fans kept asking for more. She came up with the idea from chatting with her husband. I have to say, I'm awfully glad that she wrote it.

Cover Thoughts: Good - I like the dragons in the background flying.

Source: Inter-Library Loan.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Review: Outside In

Trella started a revolution that changed her world. Now the people should be mixing together. The people should be performing jobs. The people should be happy to be free.

Instead resentment grows as the old connotations of the Uppers and Scrubs still exist. The Scrubs don't want to perform all the menial tasks and the Uppers don't want to work. The misconceptions build until no one wants to work.

Trella's frustration grows with the committee who spends more time arguing than acting. Instead, she begins to seek out solitude and solutions on her own. She learns that there's a group sabotaging their world. Then she learns they aren't the real threat. There's a much greater threat coming from Outside.

My Thoughts: The sequel to Inside Out. I love this author! I loved her transformation where she learned to let in emotions. I love her logical approach to a problem along with her toughness and her sarcasm. I enjoyed reading what came after the rebellion and how the world changed.

Cover Thoughts: Pretty good.

Source: My Library

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Matinee: Captain America

What I liked:

Hayley Atwell: her tough attitude and her shooting skills

Tommy Lee Jones

Stanley Tucci - I just LOVE him

Captain America's determination

Special Effects

The Tony Stark Connection

I adore how these movies all piece together

Plus I liked that part in Times Square.

What I disliked:
How little Chris Evans looked in the car ride with Hayley Atwell

The Ending: I was a little shocked and a little sad about the date

SO looking forward to the Avengers to see how all these movies piece together!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mysterious Saturday Review: Shoe Done It

Rita loves her job - helping fashionistas find the perfect outfit - including shoes and accessories. No one goes out of her way more to achieve style for her clients than her boss Dolce.

Dolce sends Rita to Miami Beach to pick a specific pair of silver shoes for a special client. She's under strict instructions to keep the shoes under lock and key.

When Rita arrives the store the following morning, MarySue is already there waiting. There's one tiny detail - MarySue hasn't paid for the shoes and she doesn't have the money for them. The fundraiser she's planning on wearing them too is tonight. Without further discussion, she takes them from Rita's hand and exits the store.

She wears them to the fundraiser and the shoes are the talk of the night. Unfortunately in the morning, MarySue's found in the park - barefoot and murdered. Can Rita figure out what happened to the MarySue and those elusive silver shoes?

My Thoughts: The first in a new fashionable series. Rita is clumsy, entertaining, curious, and full of bright ideas. She juggles three men while hoping to find herself the perfect man after a dry spell. I loved reading about the fashion and am very much looking forward to the next book in the series.

Cover Thoughts: Cute

Source: My Library

Friday, November 18, 2011

Books I'm Dying to Read: Janaury Edition

Sorry - this is a couple days late- I missed the Wednesday post but here are the books coming out in January that I'm looking forward to reading!!!!

Gathering Storm: Great cover with glittering balls, raising the dead, and a the choice between two boys. Goodreads - out January 10th

Try Not to Breathe: This one sounds very emotional. I've heard great things about this author - which makes me want to read her newest book. Goodreads - Out January 19th
Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight: An American girl and British boy sit next to each other on a trans-Atlantic flight. Sounds GREAT. Love the British boy and love the short time period within the book. I have a copy of this and clearly need to read it ASAP! Goodreads Out January 2nd Two teens fall in love over the internet. Not on Goodreads yet, but BN
Initiation: I can't wait to read about Lauren's first introduction to CanterWood Crest. I adore this series! Goodreads out January 3rd

Double Feature: I love this tween series and can't wait for more adventures with the twins in Hollywood! Goodreads - out January 3rd

Don't Breath a Word:I really liked the author's debut novel and can't wait to read more about Joy and her struggles as she ends up on the streets. A gritty novel that I'm sure the teens at my library will enjoy. Goodreads January 3rd
Darkness Falls: I really liked the first book in the series, so interested to see how Nastasya and Reyn become and I hope to learn more about her family past. Goodreads -Out January 2nd.

Ditched: A unique prom story about two best friends who decide to go to prom. He ditches her. She wants to find out why - I love books about prom Goodreads Out January 10th
Charmfall - I really like this series, but not as much as I love her adult Chicagoland Vampire series. Still Scout and Lily. Lily goes through a magical blackout - sounds awesome! Goodreads

Jessica Rules the Dark Side: I really liked the first book, interested to see what happens in married life - complete with a murder, imprisonment, and lack of blood. Goodreads - Out January 10th
First Date: LOVE the cover and the premise: Addy's selected for a reality TV show to win and become the prom date of the President's Son. This sounds super cute!! GoodReads out January 10th

Darlings in Love: I loved the first book in this series. Plus romance is in the air with a new boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend, and a potential boyfriend. Goodreads Out January 10th

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Guest Post: Julie Kagawa

Julie Kagawa's here to chat with us today.

Julie is the author of the very popular Iron Fey series. The Iron Knight just came out last month. There are several quizzes to take

Check out the book trailer:

If you think that looks good, read the first chapter here.

Julie answers some tough questions for us:

Being that the Iron Knight is written from Ash’s point of view, was it easier or harder to switch over and tell his story?

It was a little harder, initially. I knew Meghan; after three books I knew her voice and her personality and her quirks. It was difficult with Ash, because he was such a guarded character, and he never was really chatty. And because he’s lived such a long time, and is an Unseelie fey, he’s done some things in his life that might change how some people view him. It was actually kind of scary putting his story out there; what will people think now that they know the real Ash? But I wrote his story as honestly as I could, and I hope they will come to love the Winter Prince as much as I do.

For you, what was the hardest part in writing this series or writing in general?

Lately, it’s been making myself turn off the Internet and not check Tweetdeck every time I get stuck, lol! I get distracted very easily and “checking email” can turn into an hour of doing nothing but playing around online, very bad for the writing day. Sometimes I’ll unplug the modem or disconnect myself from the internet or I’d never get anything done.

Do you have a favorite line or two you could share with us from The Iron Knight?

Certainly! Here is an exchange between Ash and Puck:

Hey, ice-boy, you okay? You’ve got your brooding face on again.”
“I’m fine.” Puck lounged in the cradle of a tree, hands behind his head, one foot dangling in the air. “Lighten up already. We finally found the cat—which we should get a freaking medal for, the search for the Golden Fleece wasn’t this hard—and you look like you’re going to engage Mab in single combat first thing in the morning.
"I’m thinking. You should try it sometime.”
Ooh, witty.”

Did you always know you’d be writing a spin off series and can we expect to hear more of Meghan, Ash and Puck’s story in the future?

Actually, I was approached by my publisher when The Iron Fey series was wrapping up and asked if I had any more Iron Fey stories floating around my head. Which got me thinking of Ethan, Meghan’s little brother. He was the one who started the whole adventure, in a way. What would it be like growing up, able to see the fey? And the more I thought about it, the more I realized Ethan had a story to tell, too. As for Ash, Meghan, and Puck, I’m sure there will be a few cameos in the new series. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by Julie! Congrats on the release of the Iron Knight and the spin-off series

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Pledge: a teaser

Congrats to Kimberly Derting on the release date of The Pledge. I can't wait to read it!

Just a little teaser for you...
I wish there was music, but... technical issues.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Review: Legend

Day and June come from two separate sides of the tracks.

June is the sister of Metias. Metias holds power among the highest military circles of the Republic.

June’s also the only one to get a perfect score on the testing. She hopes that she too will have a lengthy and respectable career in the military.

Day is a legend. He fights against the Republic. The Republic have been after him for year. The only problem in capturing him? No one knows what he looks like. Billboard wanted signs are plastered all over the city offering ransom for his capture.

When June’s brother dies, she’s told that Day is responsible. Y can’t imagine why Day would kill someone, it hasn’t been his MO. Still, she’s lets the rage live inside her. She takes to the streets, going undercover, hoping to learn some knowledge of Day.

She never expects that he will save her life. She never expects that he will take her under his wing. She never expects that she might come to like him.

My Thoughts: A brilliant debut dystopian novel. I loved the different perspectives of both June and Day. I couldn’t put the book down. There were so many twists and turns that I never saw coming. It's a thrilling novel full of action, betrayal, danger, and friendship. I can't wait to read more of their story!

Similar Read: Divergent

Cover Thoughts: Simple, but interesting

Source: BEA

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day: a poem

A Hero guards and protects
Those who need protection
Those with land in danger
Those who can’t fight back
A Hero stands tall in the presence of danger
Against bullies
Against unfair rules
Against those who would do harm
A Hero helps those in need
Helps because of a sense of honor
Helps because of a sense of code
Helps because of a sense of loyalty
A Hero doesn’t require thanks,
But every day we should be grateful and give thanks
To all the men and women
In our Armed Services for
Performing heroic deeds daily

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Review: Name of the Star

Rory's headed for a London boarding school. Coming from New Orleans, she realizes that she’ll have a lot of learn about British culture. She never dreamed she’d have to learn about Jack the Ripper. But when murders start occurring in the same fashion and the same timing as Jack the Ripper, the whole city goes into panic mode.

Rory and her roommate slip out of their dorm room and head for the boys’ dormitory. As they return and Rory is just about to climb through the window, she sees a man. They have a very brief conversation and then Rory returns inside.

The next day, they wake up to discover, a woman’s body has been found on the school property. The murder happened just as the two girls were sneaking back into their rooms. Rory comes forward with her knowledge. The police question her and her roommate (who saw no one).

Could the new Jack the Ripper be coming for Rory?

My Thoughts: I confess that I only read this book during daylight hours. That’s right, I’m a wimp. I have nightmares from scary things. While this book was creepy, I really really liked it. I’m already looking forward to the next book in the trilogy. I loved how the students were so caught up in the Jack the Ripper story. I love how nerdy Rory and her roommate were - with their books, their tea, and their happiness to have nights in. I loved the romantic parts between Rory and Jerome. I loved the police. The last fight scene was scary – but awesome. I saw Maureen Johnson speak a few months ago and she’s hilarious. I quite adore her and her books!

Cover Thoughts: Spooky.

Source: my library

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Review: The Marked - a Talents novel (2)

Dancia chose Delcroix and now she’s being initiated into the Program. She’s the youngest member invited to join the Program. Now that Dancia has taken her vows, she expects to learn more about the Program.

All she discovers is more secrets and more questions she wants answered.

She hates having to keep her training a secret from Hennie and Esther. She doesn’t get to see them much as she spends most of her free time with her hot boyfriend Cam. She misses them.

Danica still gets snarky remarks from Anna, only now they’ve turned a little more threatening. Anna’s convinced that Dancia is in league with rogue cells – kids who were let go from the Program. They’re causing trouble and the Watchers are trying to put a stop to it. Dancia’s just learning about the rogue cells. But there is one things she’s guilty of…Jack’s been calling her. He planting seeds of doubt into her head. Did she really make the right decision when she pledged herself to the Program?

My Thoughts: I really like this series. I love the boarding school atmosphere. I love the questions that pop up in Dancia’s mind. I admit that I’m turning towards liking Cam more than I did in the first book. I’m sorry about Jack because I really was rooting for him in the first book. I loved the parts about Dancia’s training – how they don’t really know what to do, how they don’t know how powerful she might be, and how she’s can manipulate the earth. I love how paranormal powers and boarding school are woven together- it's a winning combination.

Cover Thoughts: I like the new cover look - it's spooky and eerie

Here's the new cover for the first book to match:

Source: From the author – thanks Inara!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tween Tuesday Review: Over My Dead Body

With the success of their book, IB Grumpily, Olive, and Seymour are living quite happily together. They’ve promised their readers 3 more chapters before Halloween.

When IB Grumpily gives an interview, he mentions his relationships with his co-author and illustrator. Dick Tater reads the interview and believes that IB Grumpily is deranged since he claims to be in love with a ghost. He also feels that Seymour should be with his parents and not living with the author. He immediately makes plans to visit 43 Old Cemetery Road where he puts IB Grumpily in a straight jacket and Seymour to the local orphanage. He also vows to cancel Halloween and threatens to have all ghost books burned.

Will Dick Tater cancel all the Halloween festivities and could that be the end of the writing collaboration between IB Grumpily, Olive, and Seymour?

My Thoughts: The second epistolary novel in this charming series. I love the letters, photos, and newspaper articles telling the story. They make for a quick but engrossing read. I love these characters. I can’t wait to read more about their lives.

Cover Thoughts: Really cute! Love the graveyard.

Source: Inter-Library Loan

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cover Reveal

Three covers were revealed last week - All gorgeous and two with awesome dresses

I LOVE this trilogy and will be sad to read the end, but at the same time, I can't wait to read it! I love how the covers are so pretty and yet so different. Read more about it here...and keep drooling until July 24th. *Sigh* I know, it's a crazy long wait....

I LOVE the darkness of this cover and the stars shining. It's simply amazing. Read more about this book here.

Number 15 in the Canterwood Crest series - featuring Lauren Towers in her 4th book. This comes out in August. Although Lauren isn't wearing a flowing dress, fashion STILL plays a major part of the cover and series.

Will you check these books out?

Review: Future of Us

Josh and Emma used to be best friends, but that was before Josh tried to kiss Emma. Now they talk, but their friendship has an awkwardness that they can't seem to get past.

Then Josh brings over an AOL disk for Emma's new computer. Emma logs in and immediately sees Facebook - and herself in the future. She's married. Curious, she calls Josh.

Together, they try to figure out what Facebook could be and who they are in the future. They realize that the actions of today changes the outcome of their future.

What will they change?

My Thoughts: I LOVED this book- it hooked me from the beginning. However, my teen years were the 90s when AOL and dial-up internet were in fashion. I hope that today’s teens can relate to the story because it was great. I loved the friendship turned romance. I loved how Emma changed her future with knowledge of Facebook. I loved the alternative perspectives. I’ll be so curious to see if teen gobble it up as fast as I did.

Cover Thoughts: I like it, but it's hard to see what's in the background. I like the fuzziness- as the future changes.

Source: BEA Arc

Comes out: November 21st

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Upcoming Mysteries I Can't Wait to Read

Here are some of the new mysteries I can't wait to dive into!

Killer Crullers: Suzanne's donuts are excellent. One man adores his Crullers. When he doesn't pick up his order, someone else buys them. The sale to the stranger proves a disaster to the town and Suzanne. Out January 3rd GoodReads

Drop Dead Chocolate: No details are out yet for this one. Out April 24th GoodReads

I ADORE this series, which always always makes me crave donuts! Here's my review of the first book.
Affairs of Steak: The 6th book in this amazingly fun series! Chef Olivia must pair up with her rival to solve a double murder in the White House. Here's my review for book 5 - Buffalo West Wing Out January 3rd GoodReads

Crops and Robbers: The Farmer's Market where Becca works and her sister runs, is expecting a visit from a restaurant association. Becca's excited at the prospect of having her jam in restaurants, until it's rejected. The 3rd book in this series which will be out December 6th GoodReads

Walled Flower: Katie's been mad at her late husband who sunk all their savings into Artisans Alley instead of her dream of owning a B&B. Now a young couple bought her dream. To their dismay, they find a skeleton in their new place. The 2nd in this series and this will be out February 7th GoodReads

Cookie Before Dying: Olivia and her dog stumble across the body of a man who might have been robbing another local store. The second in this series: out December 6th GoodReads

Due or Die: A murder is committed in the librarian's sleepy town in Briar Creek, Connecticut. The second in this series: out March 6th GoodReads

It Takes a Witch: Darcy discovers her witch heritage and then becomes involved in a murder investigation. The first in a new series out January 3rd. GoodReads

Clobbered by Camembert: The third in this series. Charlotte runs into an old family friend just starting a honeybee farm. Things don't go has planned and when she turns up dead, Rebecca's boyfriend is the number one suspect. Charlotte knows her assistant's boyfriend couldn't be responsible and set out to prove just that. Out January 3rd: GoodReads

Town in a Wild Moose Chase: I still need to read the 2nd in the series, because I really enjoyed the first book. The third in this series - with Candy trying to figure out the story behind the dead body found in the woods amid the swirling rumors during the town's Wild Moose festival. Out February 7th GoodReads
Scrapbook of Secrets: A debut novel.A one time reporter turned stay at home mom, Annie uses her investigating skill to dig into the death labeled a suicide, but seems suspicious. Love the scrapbooking angle. First in a new series out February 7th GoodReads

Cake on a Hot Tin Roof: Rita's taking over the cake shop in hot humid New Orleans. Looking forward to this second book in the series but I can't find any description of the book - out February 7th GoodReads
Buried in a Book: When Lila's fired from her journalist job, she accepts an internship at a literary agency. Love the premise of the debut novel out in February 7th GoodReads

The Last Word: A best selling novelist comes to town to work on his newest book. Olivia finds him strangled. The third in this series - out December 6th GoodReads

Die Job: The third in this series which involves an attempted murder at a haunted plantation. Out January 3rd GoodReads

Cocoa Conspiracy: Lady Arianna's an expert in chocolate. She must use her knowledge to track down a traitor. The second in this series. I LOVE this old fashioned cover! Out December 6th GoodReads
Explosive 18: I ADORE this series- so looking forward to the next book coming so soon!!! Comes out November 22nd GoodReads

Friday, November 4, 2011

Christmas Review: Wallflower Christmas

Lilian and Daisy's brother appears in England. Rafe and his father do not get along. Previously Rafe cut ties with his father and became a self-made man. Now, however, he's like to be part of the family business. He's willing to have his father pick out his potential bride.

Natalie is beautiful, sweet, and blue blood runs through her veins. She would be a suitable bride. However, Natalie fails to inspire him. She's not the woman he's been thinking about. She's not the woman he can't get out of his head.

He's thinking about her companion Hannah. Will he let his father dictate his marriage or will he follow his heart?

My Thoughts: I ADORE this series and was thrilled to see a holiday romance. I love the idea of honorary Wallflowers! Hannah was sweet, charming, intelligent, and darling. I loved the banter between Rafe and Lillian. I love the scene with the Christmas tree. A fabulous addition to the series!

Cover Thoughts: LOVE it - but they are missing a Wallflower

Challenge: a personal goal to read 10 Christmas Books this year