Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Costumes

 As a librarian, I have had a lot of bookish costumes.

Here are a few:

Last year - Alvin and the Chipmunks 

Princess in Black

Fancy Nancy


A Gallagher Girl

Katniss before Hunger Games blew up

And a few cute ones of Cabot:

Cabot being Cool

Hairy Potter

Hiking Cabot

Monday, October 30, 2023

Picture Book Review: WolfBoy is Scared

Is taking a shortcut through the forest a good idea?

Wolfboy seems to think so, until the trees look like something else...

A fun book about being scared!  

* Book sent for review

Friday, October 27, 2023

Where I am today


Today I'm at a local high school talking about storytimes to a Child Development Class.

I'll give a shortish presentation and then we'll do a full storytime.

Fingers crossed it goes well.

I haven't done too much teaching, but I would love to teach a class about YA or Children's Literature.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Picture Book Wednesday: Wake Up Trucks


Trucks have important jobs to do from morning until night. 

This story is perfect for truck loving readers - lots of trucks and building moments. The illustrations are bright and colorful. There's so much to look at and talk about with this book. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Cozy Reads

 This week's topic is atmospheric reads - and I'm going with Cozy Reads. Books that make me feel warm and fuzzy. 

Have you read any of these? Did they make you feel warm and fuzzy too?

Monday, October 23, 2023

Graphic Novel Review: Be that Way

Christine is seventeen and is a junior in high school. She starts keeping a diary. It's the mid 90s and she writes about the drama of friendship and romance.
My Thoughts: This is half a diary and half a graphic novel - with lots of texts and lots of pictures. I really enjoyed this book. I got sucked into the drama and had to read to find out what happened. Christine feels less than and makes some changes to feel shiny. She's very open about her hopes and dreams and insecurities. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Board Books: Halloween (2)


Last week, I share some Halloween board books-  and this week I have a few more:

A cute board book with fun facts, bright illustrations, and slides that will delight readers

What do you love about Halloween? This cute board book has many ideas!

A fantastic board book - counting down until Halloween fun. The 3D ghosts are special. I can't wait to share this one during storytime!

A squishy pumpkin may grant magical Halloween wishes - a spooky read. 

Peekaboo with Halloween favorites - complete with slides. Readers will love looking at all the surprises.

Just a few new works to celebrate - with big bright illustrations.

There's only one day left until Halloween and there's so much to do before the big day!

How can you choose just 1 costume out of SO many? A funny book about opposites as costumes.

* book sent for review

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Movie Review: Totally Killer

In October 1987, three girls were brutally murdered in high school - on the night of their 16th birthday. 

Years later, Jamie's grown up with the legend of that night. She goes to a concert with her friend. But her mom is murdered. 

As she's grieving, she urges her best friend to finish building her time machine (inspired by notes from her mother who was also in school at the time of the murders). In a freak accident, Jamie escapes the killer by starting the time machine and traveling back to 1987.

She's determined to stop the murders, believing that she can save her own mother.

My Thoughts: I'm not one for scary movies. and this wasn't scary. A little gory with the murders. It's funny to see Jamie travel back to the 80s. She's constantly surprised by the lack of rules and by the language used. I loved seeing the 80s fashion, the moments in school, and the references to Back to the Future. I loved how Jamie found her best friend's mom and became friends with her. And that ending! 

Give it a watch!