Monday, March 24, 2025

Middle Grade Review: Spy Ski School

* Book 4 in the Spy School series * 
During winter vacation, Ben's been called up on a mission. He's been activated with a few friends from school. He's supposed to infiltrate a skiing group and befriend Jessica Shang. If he can get close to her, maybe we can figure out her father's secrets.

Jessica's father has rented out the entire hotel. The only way to get close to her is through a ski class. Since it's for beginners, it's lucky that Ben's never skied before. Jessica's father doesn't want anyone getting close to his daughter. He's always showing up at the worst time for Ben. Will Ben ever figure out his secrets?
My Thoughts: I really enjoy this series. I love the fact that Ben's friend from home followed him to the ski slopes and accidentally inserted himself in the mission. I can't wait to see what happens next between these two friends. I enjoyed the moments between Ben and Erica. I really liked how Erica wasn't great at skiing - as she is at everything else. It was kind of refreshing. Another fun addition to this action-packed series. 

Cover Thoughts: Fun
Source: Book sent for review
Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for your graphic novel collection!

Sunday, March 23, 2025

TBR Check-in: Winter

Since we just shared our Spring TBR, I'm taking a look at what I read from my Winter list.

I read 5 - which isn't great but not terrible either.

I have a couple of books checked out from the library that I'm hoping to read soon. And The Crash has a million holds at the library and I'm waiting for this one. 

How did you do?

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Graphic Novel: Detective Stanley and the Mystery at the Museum

* First in a new series *
Detective Stanely retired - yesterday. But a letter of importance was dropped in his mail slot as he was eating his pancakes. The letter asked for his help at the museum. He isn't sure if he should go, but somewhat reluctantly, he does.

When he arrives at the museum, everything is in chaos. Nothing goes according to plan, but he's not about to let that stop him from solving the case. 
My Thoughts: This Children's Graphic Novel was a so much fun - I appreciated it. I really liked Detective Stanley and his no-nonsense approach. I liked how the mystery played out. The illustrations are charming. I'm already looking forward to the next book in the series.

Although I confess, I would not eat pancakes cold!

Cover Thoughts: Cute
Source: My Library
Library Recommendation: Highly recommended for your school and public library's graphic novel collection

Friday, March 21, 2025

Review: What's Next


As a huge West Wing fan, I was thrilled to see this book coming out.
I love that the authors were two actors on the show.

I loved that they talked with so many of the cast and crew.
Yes, this is a long book, but it also felt like a short read.
There were some casting secrets and show secrets.
I loved how much they talked about the atmosphere of the set and why it was that way.
I love how they talked about filming and how it all worked.
I thought it was really interesting that the show was supposed to end a different way. 
I like how they talked about how everyone's involved in charity events and how they used their celebrity power for good. 

Reading this book makes me want to re-watch the entire series, even though I just did that last year.
There are so many great moments to this show, it's hard for me to pick favorites. 

I kind of wished they did a spin-off with the new President. 

Did you watch this show?

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Happy First Day of Spring

Happy First Day of Spring!

The sap is sure to be running! 

How is syrup made?

This book is a very simple way of explaining how syrup is made - from the very beginning.

Great for a read-aloud.

What is your favorite type of pancake?

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Picture Book Wednesday: Leena Mo, CEO

Leena hates shoveling - so she invents a robot to shovel for her. But what happens when all her neighbors want one too. Will she be able to make enough?

A super cute story about inventing and creating a business. I love how she gets her friends involved. Such an inspired book!  

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR

 This week's topic is our Spring TBR lists - for me that's the months of April, May, and June.


Middle Grade:


Graphic Novel:


Have you read any of these? Do you have other recommendations for me?