
Monday, June 20, 2022

Blog Tour: Ultimate Book of the Future

Welcome to the Ultimate Book of the Future Blog Tour!

Ultimate Book of the Future by Stephanie Warren Drimmer is the perfect book for fans of sci-fi, budding engineers and scientists, lovers of futuristic movies and pop culture, and anyone who has ever dreamed about what tomorrow might look like. To celebrate its release, 5 blogs across the web are featuring posts from the book as well as 5 chances to win. Ready to sneak a peek at your life in the future? Read on! 


Time for breakfast! You pour your favorite cereal into a bowl and grab a spoon. But there’s something a little different about these future flakes—they’re made of ground-up crickets and mealworms!  That might sound odd to some, but in many cultures, bugs are a common addition to the menu. And many experts believe that in the future, people all over the world will be munching on insects. 

Every year, the planet’s population grows by 70 million. By 2050, we’ll need 70 percent more food than is currently produced on Earth to feed all those hungry mouths. But we’re already running low on space for farming. We need to figure out a type of food that makes better use of the space we already have. And many experts think insects are the answer.

Insects are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. They don’t need nearly as much room as cows or chickens—in fact, they thrive in dark, crowded conditions. They need little water. And perhaps most important, bugs give a lot of bang for your buck: For every two pounds (0.9 kg) of feed, a farmer can get 12 times more edible protein from crickets than he could from beef. 

That might not be enough to convince you to replace your grub with, well, grubs. But two billion people around the world already eat insects. In Thailand, people snack on grasshoppers, crickets, and woodworms that have been fried until crispy. In Ghana, people munch on termites in the springtime when other food is scarce. To help convince skeptics, some companies are already turning crickets into flour that can be made into snack chips, protein bars, and smoothie powders—no crunchy legs involved!

FUN FACT: Termites have a minty flavor.


Robot dogs! Jet packs! Cyborgs! Super-sleek space suits! It’s not science fiction, it’s science reality. And soon, it may be part of everyday life. This book is a jam-packed collection of the coolest tech and wildest ideas that are shaping the world of tomorrow.

Blast off for an unbelievably fascinating journey through time, space, and even a holographic pop concert (or two)! With chapters on future cities, space travel, high-tech entertainment, and even saving the world, Future World is a thorough, fun compendium of high-tech gadgets being built today and the coolest stuff tomorrow has to offer, plus the amazing dreamers making it all happen.

Special “Could It Happen?” features tackle kids” burning hypothetical questions, like whether Jurassic Park could really exist, or whether a robot could become president. Each chapter also includes a “Future Fail!” that profiles one thing we thought we'd have by now, but don't (like everything from The Jetsons.) And kids will see where they might fit into the picture through the “Jobs of Tomorrow” profiled in each chapter. (Job titles include mind reader, space pilot, and robot-human communicator. Seriously!)


Stephanie Warren Drimmer is a science writer based in Los Angeles, California. She writes books and magazine features for kids about everything from the strangest places in space, to the chemistry of cookies, to the mysteries of the human brain. She has a degree in science journalism from New York University...but she thinks she likes writing for kids because she's secretly still one herself.


  • One (1) winner will receive a hardcover of Ultimate Book of the Future
  • US/Can only
  • Ends 7/5 at 11:59pm ET
  • Enter via the Rafflecopter below
  • Visit the other stops on the tour for more chances to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Blog Tour Schedule:

June 20th — YA Book Nerd
June 21st The Mommy Island
June 22nd Always in the Middle
June 23rd Susie's Reviews and Giveaways
June 24th — Feed Your Fiction Addiction


  1. I hope we can bean ourselves places at some poijnt

  2. I run outside, so I'm hoping for a "bubble" that will protect me from all sorts of weather and an environmental suit that helps me regulate body temperature and moves with me like a second skin.
