
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'd like to Share

This week, I'm changing the topic to make it personal. This is the anniversary of my Grandfather's death and the day still hits me hard. I wrote up a post about him here, if you'd like to read it. He was a reader, although he read mostly sports books and biographies.

I didn't talk to him too much about books, but I would have liked to. 

Here are a few I'd like to share with him and talk about together.

Catching Jordan
I'd like to know what he thought about a female quarterback

The Godfather (Mario Puzo's Mafia)
I read this in college and thought it was SO much better than the movie. I wonder if he would have thought the same.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
Would he like fantasy?

He was a big baseball fan. Had he heard of Lizzy Murphy? What did he think of females playing baseball?

I'd ask him about his experience in WWII and if he saw women pilots. 

1 comment:

  1. I really need to read The Godfather book, such a classic movie!

    Lotte |
